Original: 45—46 CE.
Height 2.09 m. Inv. No. MCR 305.Rome, Museum of Roman CivilizationPhoto by Olga Lyubimova
Upper part of a statue of Livia, wife of Augustus, shown as a goddess, with diadem and sacred band.
Original: 45—46 CE.
Height 2.09 m.
Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization
(Roma, Museo della civiltà romana).
p.135 Another colossal statue more securely identified as Livia offers a close, if not exact parallel, for the headgear: an enthroned figure from Leptis Magna that once appeared in a group with the deified Augustus, Tiberius, Claudius, and Messalina180. The group must then be Claudian, datable to the time shortly after Livia’s deification, and like the Juno Ludovisi, it wears a high diadem (this time without floral decorations in relief) and a beaded band that encircles its base. She wears the middle-part coiffure, which this time is a little more conservatively rendered, without flamboyant drill-work. The hanging ends of the infula do not hang down the sides of the neck here as they do in the Juno Ludovisi, but nonetheless, the similarities between the headgear of the “Juno” and of the Leptis statue are compelling.
180Tripolis Museum, marble statue, h. 209 cm., of head, from chin to top of diadem, 32.5 cm. Winkes, 1995, 182 no. 106; Rose, 1997, 184—
Poulsen V. Studies in Julio-Claudian Iconography // Acta Archaeologica. Vol. 17. 1946. P. 48. Ill. 14. Cat. no. 14.
Bartels H. Studien zum Frauenporträt der augusteischen Zeit. Fulvia, Octavia, Livia, Julia. München, 1963. S. 58 Anm. 458.
Kunisch N. Ein Bildnis der Livia // Jahrbuch der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. 1977. S. 55. Anm. 16 B 5.
Fittschen K., Zanker P. Katalog der römischen Porträts in den Capitolinischen Museen und den anderen kommunalen Sammlungen der Stadt Rom 3. Kaiserinnen- und Prinzessinnenbildnisse. Frauenporträts. Mainz, 1983. Anm. 9 Kat. № 3.
Kreikenbom D. Griechische und römische Kolossalporträts bis zum späten ersten Jahrhundert nach Christus. Berlin, 1992. S. 185. Kat. № III 45. Taf. 11 d.
Winkes R. Livia, Octavia, Julia. Porträts und Darstellungen. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1995. S. 182. Kat. №. 106.
Wood S. E. Imperial Women. A Study in Public Images, 40 B.C. — A.D. 68. Leiden, 2000. P. 135.
Boschung D. Gens Augusta: Untersuchungen zu Aufstellung, Wirkung und Bedeutung der Statuengruppen des julisch-claudischen Kaiserhauses. Mainz, 2002. S. 9 f. Kat. № 1.13. Taf. 9, 1—
© Text: museum label.
© Text: Arachne.
© Text: Wood S. E. Imperial Women. A Study in Public Images, 40 B.C. — A.D. 68. Leiden, 2000. P. 135.