Ships in a port
Part A of a floor mosaic from the grand triclinium of the Palazzo Diotallevi.
Mid-2nd century CE.
Rimini, Civic Museum Luigi ToniniPhoto by Ilya Shurygin

Ships in a port.

Part A of a floor mosaic from the grand triclinium of the Palazzo Diotallevi.
Mid-2nd century CE.

Rimini, Civic Museum Luigi Tonini
(Rimini, Museo della città Luigi Tonini).

© 2019. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Data: museum annotation.
Keywords: μωσαϊκό mosaic mosaics mosaica mosaici mosaik mosaïque ρώμη rome roman roma romano rom römisches romaine ariminum rimini palazzo diotallevi ship rudder timone laterale ruder heckruder gouvernail τιμόνι sailing vessel veliero segelschiff voilier navis velifera ιστιοφόρο sail sails vela segel voile velum πανί ιστίο dolphin dolphins delfino delphin dauphin delphinus δελφίνια stern poppa heck poupe aplustre πρύμνη fish fishes pesce pesci fisch fische poisson poissons piscis pisces ψάρι ψάρια sailor sailors marinaio marinai matrose matelot nauta nautae ναύτης oarsman oarsmen oarsmans vogatore vogatori ruderer rameur κωπηλάτης steersman helmsman pilot timoniere rudergänger steuermann barreur homme de barre timonier nocher τιμονιέρης boat barca boot bateau canot barque βάρκα harbor harbour wharves haven porto hafen port λιμένας rigging tackle cordame takelung takelage geschirr seilwaren agrès gréement pulley puleggia carrucola bozzello seilscheibe poulie bowsprit bompresso bugspriet klüverbaum beaupré reef reefs terzarolo opus tessellatum