Leaf of the consular diptych of Areobindus
Constantinople. 506 CE.
37.6 × 14 cm.
Inv. No. W-12.Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum

Leaf of the consular diptych of Areobindus.

Constantinople. 506 CE.
37.6 × 14 cm.
Inv. No. W-12.

Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum
(Санкт-Петербург, Государственный Эрмитаж).

Entered 1885. Occurs from the A. P. Bazilevsky collection.
© 2019. Photo, text: The State Hermitage Museum.
Keywords: απεικόνιση portrait portraiture ritratto ritrattistica porträtmalerei porträt byzantium byzantine bisanzio bizantino byzanz byzantinisch byzance byzantin of a man male maschile uomo männliches mann masculin un homme ivory carving bone intaglio in avorio elfenbein schnitzen sculpture sur ivoire dress clothes clothing garment abbigliamento herrenbekleidung vêtements pour hommes ανδρικά ρούχα animals beasts animali bestie tiere animaux ζώα footstool sgabello suppedaneo fußschemel fußbank tabouret scabellum scabillum υποπόδιο sceptre scettro zepter sceptrum σκήπτρο ebur ελεφαντόδοντο ελεφαντοστό diptych dittico diptychon diptyque deux-volets díptychos δίπτυχον circo circus consular consolare konsulardiptychon consulaire consulare areobindus from the p bazilevsky collection collezione basilewski sammlung acrobat acrobats acrobata acrobati akrobat akrobaten acrobate acrobates inv no w-12