Old Silenos with Kantharos and Thyrsos. Coastal landscape
Ca. 1—79 CE. Inv. No. 83.AG.222.2.Los Angeles, John Paul Getty Museum, Getty Villa in Malibu

Old Silenos with Kantharos and Thyrsos. Coastal landscape.

Ca. 1—79 CE.
Inv. No. 83.AG.222.2.

Los Angeles, John Paul Getty Museum, Getty Villa in Malibu.

Antike Kunst Palladion (Basel, Switzerland), sold to the J. Paul Getty Museum, 1983.
One of two colorful fresco fragments (see also 83.AG.222.4.2) that once decorated the same wall. An old Silenus—a woodland deity and companion of the wine god Bacchus—stands within a leafy arbor. A reddish cloth rests on his hips, covering his upper legs. He holds a kantharos (drinking cup) and a thyrsos (ritual staff), objects associated with the worship of Bacchus. Below the Silenus is an impressionistic landscape on blue ground that depicts human silhouettes set among architectural elements. Two figures in a boat navigate towards a central figure standing in front of a building, while two individuals to the right approach by land. Additional figures and colonnaded buildings appear in the background on either side of the main activity. The bright red border framing both the Silenus and the landscape scene has a rectangular panel with stucco imitation (white silhouettes on a blue background) inserted along the top. Parts of the white background of the wall are visible. This fresco likely decorated a room in a Roman villa.
(cc) 2019. Photo, text: The J. Paul Getty Museum (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Digital image courtesy of the Getty’s Open Content Program.
Keywords: ζωγραφικήί pictura ars picturae painting pittura malerei peinture ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque σειληνός seilenos silenus sileni selenus papposilenus silenuses sileno papposileni silenos silen papposilen silène papposilène ρωμαϊκές roman romana romano romani römisch römische römisches römischen römischer romain romaine romains romaines φρεσκογραφία τοιχογραφία νωπογραφία wall fresco frescos frescoes opera parietale murale opere parietali murali affresco affreschi freskomalerei frischmalerei wandmalerei fresko fresken fresque fresques pintura mural thyrsus tirso thyrse θύρσος thyrsos ara altar altare autel βωμός kantharos cantharus cantaro canthare cantarôsse κάνθαρος architecture architectural composition motive motives motif motifs architettura composizione architettonica motivo architettonico motivi architettonici architektur architektonische komposition architektonisches motiv architecturale architecturaux αρχιτεκτονική σύνθεση columna column colonna kolonne säule colonne κολόνα στύλος floral ornament vegetal ornamento floreale blumenverzierung ornement στολίδι oarsman oarsmen oarsmans vogatore vogatori ruderer rameur κωπηλάτης sanctuarium sanctuary of santuario schrein von sanctuaire de ιερό του urceus jug brocca krug broc vitta vittae seascape coastal landscape paesaggio marino marittimo costiero seelandschaft küstenlandschaft paysage marin côtier boat barca boot bateau canot barque βάρκα portico portikus säulenhalle portique porche harbor harbour wharves haven porto hafen port λιμένας fisherman pescatore fischer pêcheur ψαράς inv no 83.ag.222.2