Birth of Athena from the head of Zeus
Black-figure neck-amphora. Attic.
Attributed to the Antimenes Painter.
Ca. 510 BCE.
Height 44.6, width 28.0, depth 29.0 cm, weight c. 4 kg.
Inv. No. 1837,0609.27.London, British Museum

Birth of Athena from the head of Zeus.

Black-figure neck-amphora. Attic.
Attributed to the Antimenes Painter.
Ca. 510 BCE.
Height 44.6, width 28.0, depth 29.0 cm, weight c. 4 kg.
Inv. No. 1837,0609.27.

London, British Museum.

From Vulci. Purchased from Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino and Musignano, 1837.
Pottery: black-figured neck-amphora. Below, maeander and lotus-buds.

(a) Birth of Athene: In the centre, Zeus seated to right, bearded, with long tresses, long chiton with looped-up sleeves, and embroidered himation, in left hand a sceptre; his seat ends in a swan’s neck and head at the back, and beneath it is Iris to right, looking back, with long hair, short bordered chiton, over which is a pardalis (leopard skin), endromides (boots), and wings outspread. From the head of Zeus springs Athene to right, with one leg advanced, high-crested helmet, long chiton and chlamys, shield with two pellets, spear brandished in right hand. On either side of Zeus is an Eileithyia facing him, with long tresses, and long embroidered chiton, moving her hands up and down, as if to assist the birth; the one in front of him also wears an embroidered himation. On the right is Hephaestos departing and looking back, bearded, with long hair, short chiton or jerkin, double-headed axe in right hand.

(cc) 2019. Photo, text: The British Museum (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
© The Trustees of the British Museum.
Keywords: κεραμικά ceramics clay terracotta ceramica keramik céramique ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque θεά αθηνά παλλὰς ἀθηνᾶ ἀθήνη athene athena pallas goddess dea atena göttin déesse athéna athéné ζεύς δίας zeus ελλάδα grecia graecia hellas greece griechenland grèce ήφαιστος ἥφαιστος hephaistos hephaestus efesto héphaïstos ἶρις iris iride iri taumantia taumantiade technique tecnica vasenmalerei αττική attika attica attic attique μελανόμορφη black-figure black-figured a figure nere schwarzfigurige schwarzfiguriger à figures noires αμφορέας amphora anfora amphore neck collo distinto halsamphora col εἰλείθυια ἐλεύθυια ειλείθυια ειλειθυία ilithyia eileithyia eleuthyia eleuthia ilizia eilithia eilythia ilithia eileithyiai ilithyie female dress clothes clothing garment abbigliamento femminile damenbekleidung vêtements pour femmes γυναικεία ρούχα male maschile herrenbekleidung hommes ανδρικά crista crest crested helmet elmo crestato kammhelm casque crête κράνος λοφίο κρωβύλος κρώβυλος aspis circular round shield scudo rotondo greco griechischer rundschild rundem schild bouclier rond grec ἀσπίς ασπίδα endromis endromidis endromides cothurnus topboot boot boots stivali endromide stiefel stiefeln bottes ἐνδρομίς pardalide pardalis skin of panther barba barbatum beard bearded man uomo barbuto bart bärtiger mann barbe homme barbu γενειάδα γενειοφόρος άνθρωπος hasta spear lancia speer lance δόρυ scabellum scabillum footstool sgabello suppedaneo fußschemel fußbank tabouret υποπόδιο sceptrum sceptre scettro zepter σκήπτρο palmette palmetta alatus alata winged geflügelte ailée φτερωτό φτερωτή thronus seated on the throne enthroned sits siede in assiso su un trono sitzt auf einem thron assis sur trône καθισμένοι σε θρόνο θρόνος meander meandros meandro mäander méandre μαίανδρος chlamys clamide χλαμύδος sella seat sedile sitz siège κάθισμα ornament ornamento ornement διακοσμητική γραμμή hymation himation antimenes painter pittore di antimene antimenes-maler ζωγράφος του αντιμένη labrys bipennis double-headed axe ascia doppio taglio bipenne doppelaxt amazonenaxt hache double tranchant λάβρυς vulci from viterbo long hair capelli lunghi lange haare cheveux longs chiton khiton chitone lungo langer χιτών embroidery embroidered ricamo stickerei broderie short corto kurzer court birth head inv no 1837,0609.27