Dionysos reclining with a rhyton on a ship sailing among dolphins
Red-figure eye-kylix (type A). Attic.
Signed by the potter and the painter Exekias.
Ca. 530 BCE.
H. 13.6, diam. 30.5 cm.
Inv. Nos. 2044 / 8729 / J 339 / KM 3179.Munich, State Antique CollectionPhoto by Egisto Sani

Dionysos reclining with a rhyton on a ship sailing among dolphins.

Red-figure eye-kylix (type A). Attic.
Signed by the potter and the painter Exekias.
Ca. 530 BCE.
H. 13.6, diam. 30.5 cm.
Inv. Nos. 2044 / 8729 / J 339 / KM 3179.

Munich, State Antique Collection
(München, Staatliche Antikensammlungen).

From Vulci.
Dionysus appears in the inner decoration of this eye-kylix, cup, one of Exekias’s latest works.

On the outside beyond the eyes hoplites fight grimly across the handles.

An extraordinary design fills the bowl’s interior: at the center, Dionysos reclines on a sailing ship as grapevines laden with seven bunches miraculously sprout beside its mast, while seven dolphins swim in a coral-red sea around the boat. The vessel’s (now-much-restored) bold, large white sail is effective against the coral red, but not so Dionysos’s drinking horn painted in matt purplish added red.

The black-figured eye-cup, one of the most famous Athenian vases, is the earliest known use of coral red. The kylix (535 B. C.) is signed by Exekias as potter, which he painted as well as potted. Exekias was the greatest of black-figure artists, and he brought the style to its limits. It is hardly credible that so much human dignity and pathos can be expressed in so artificial a convention.

Exported from Athens in antiquity, this large cup with a diameter of 30.5 cm was found in an Etruscan tomb at Vulci.

Beth Cohen, “The Color of Clay”

Interior: Dionysos in a ship, sailing amongst dolphins. Dionysos reclines like a symposiast in his ship, holding a rhyton in his right hand and leaning back on his left arm. The white sail of the ship spreads above him, and climbing the mast of the ship, a grapevine with clusters of grapes fills the field of the cup. The prow of the ship is decorated with eyes; the body of the ship with two leaping dolphins and the stern post bends up into a swan’s head. Around the ship, seven dolphins jump and sport, surrounding Dionysos like maenads and satyrs. The field is painted in coral red, forming a seamless background encompassing both sea and sky which fills the whole interior of the cup rather than being confined to a central tondo. The composition is unusually well suited to the circular field of the vase.

Exterior: on both sides A and B, large apotropaic eyes like those on East Greek cups, with eyebrows and diminutive noses. Beneath and on either sides of the handles, battles over fallen heroes (fight for the body of Patroklos?). On one side the warrior has already been stripped of his armor; on the other, he is still armed.

perseus.tufts.edu (2019)
(cc) 2015. Photo, text: Egisto Sani (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).
© 2019. Description (2): www.perseus.tufts.edu.
Add. information: http://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk.
Keywords: κεραμικά ceramics clay terracotta ceramica keramik céramique ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque διώνυσος dionysus dioniso dionysos ελλάδα grecia graecia hellas greece griechenland grèce technique tecnica vasenmalerei αττική attika attica attic attique μελανόμορφη black-figure black-figured a figure nere schwarzfigurige schwarzfiguriger à figures noires cup bowl coppa κύλιξ kylix cylix οφθαλμωτή eye-cup occhioni augenschale coupe yeux type tipo typ corona hedera ivy wreath di edera efeukranz couronne de lierre στεφάνι κισσού ship rudder timone laterale ruder heckruder gouvernail τιμόνι navis velifera sailing vessel veliero segelschiff voilier ιστιοφόρο velum sail sails vela segel voile πανί ιστίο delphinus dolphin dolphins delfino delphin dauphin δελφίνια uva botrys botrus bunch of grapes grappolo d’uva weintraube wein traube grappe raisin τσαμπί σταφύλια aplustre stern poppa heck poupe πρύμνη boat barca boot bateau canot barque βάρκα rigging tackle cordame takelung takelage geschirr seilwaren agrès gréement grapevine vite weinrebe vigne vulci from viterbo rhyton horn for drinking wine rhytòn corno potorio per bere vino zum trinken für corne boire pour le vin ῥυτόν ρυτό eye on the bow occhio prua della nave auge auf den schiffsbug œil sur la proue du navire exekias painter potter vasaio ceramista ceramografo pittore töpfer und vasenmaler exekias-maler potier et peintre exékias ἐξηκίας εξηκίας dionysos-schale dionysos reclining with among dolphins avi 5206 εχσεκιασ εποεσε inv no 2044 8729 j 339 / km 3179