Perseus fleeing away with the head of Medusa
Red-figure hydria. Attic.Attributed to Pan Painter (Beazley).
Ca. 460 BCE.
Height 34.9 cm. Inv. No. 1873,0820.352.London, British MuseumPhoto by Egisto Sani
Perseus fleeing away with the head of Medusa.
Red-figure hydria. Attic.
Attributed to Pan Painter (Beazley).
Ca. 460 BCE.
Height 34.9 cm.
Attributed to Pan Painter (Beazley).
Ca. 460 BCE.
Height 34.9 cm.
Inv. No. 1873,0820.352.
London, British Museum.
From Capua, Caserta.
Perseus fleeing after cutting off Medusa’s head. In the centre Medusa, a winged, headless figure in a short tied bordered chiton with sleeves, has fallen to the left, but supports herself on her rigid arms, resting only on the finger-tips, the blood flowing in a broad stream from the wound. On the left, Perseus flees to left, both arms extended in front of him, and looking round at Medusa; he wears a chiton like that of Medusa, the winged hat (κυνή Αίδον) and talaria; at his side there hangs from his left shoulder the wallet (kibisis), in which the upper part of the Gorgoneion is visible, en face (with closed eyes, black hair around the forehead, and outside this a broad strip forming a sort of frame, shaded brownish); in his left hand is the harpe, sickle-shaped, the edge jagged, the handle ending in a spiral; his long hair is looped up over his ears. On the right of Medusa, Athena runs to the left, carrying a very long spear over her right shoulder, and with her left hand raising the edge of her skirt; she wears a long undertied sleeved chiton, which has no folds, but a pattern of Vs, dotted aegis fringed with snakes, and a tall crested helmet; her long hair floats back, the ends drawn in thinned black.
Advanced stage of severe style.
Keywords: κεραμικά ceramics clay terracotta ceramica keramik céramique ελλάδα grecia graecia hellas greece griechenland grèce αττική attika attica attic attique αθήνα athens athenian atene athen athènes technique tecnica vasenmalerei ερυθρόμορφος red figure red-figure red-figured a rosse rotfigurige rotfiguriger à figures rouges ὑδρία υδρία hydria hydrie ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque θεά αθηνά παλλὰς ἀθηνᾶ ἀθήνη athene athena pallas goddess dea atena göttin déesse athéna athéné γοργών γοργώ gorgon gorgo gorgons gorgone gorgoni gorgonen gorgones μέδουσα medousa medusa méduse περσεύς περσέας perseus perseo persée crista crest crested helmet elmo crestato kammhelm casque crête κράνος λοφίο κρωβύλος κρώβυλος hasta spear lancia speer lance δόρυ aegis aigis ègida egida ägis égide αἰγίς αιγίδα αιγίς mortem death decease morte decesso tod mort décès trépas θάνατος alatus alata winged geflügelte ailée φτερωτό φτερωτή meander meandros meandro mäander méandre μαίανδρος falx sickle falce sichel faucille δρεπάνι talaria sandals sandali alati sandalen flügelschuhe sandales ailées talonnières φτερωτά σανδάλια πτηνοπέδιλος πτερόεντα πέδαλα petasus hat cappello alato petaso geflügelter hut kappe des aïdes chapeau ailé κυνή αίδον κυνή αίδον κυνέη ἄιδος murder uccisione omicidio tötung ermordung mord meurtre chiton khiton long chitone lungo langer χιτών short corto kurzer court pan painter pittore di pan-maler from capua kibisis wallet bag quersack besace κίβισις running run che corre corrente corsa laufende laufender rennende lauf laufen qui course pied fleeing away with the head of inv no 1873,0820.352 e181~