Cuirassed statue of Marcus Olconius Rufus
1st cent. CE.
H. 202 cm.
Inv. No. 6233.Naples, National Archaeological MuseumPhoto by Sergey Sosnovskiy

Cuirassed statue of Marcus Olconius Rufus.

1st cent. CE.
H. 202 cm.
Inv. No. 6233.

Naples, National Archaeological Museum
(Napoli, Museo archeologico nazionale).

Pompeii, at the crossing of the Via di Stabia and the Via dell’Abbondanza, 1853.
Cadario M. La corazza di Alessandro: loricati di tipo ellenistico dal IV secolo a. C. al II d. C. Milano, 2004. P. 150—152;
Augusto e la Campania: Da Ottaviano a Divo Augusto, 14—2014 d. C. / a cura di T. E. Cinquantaquattro, C. Capaldi, V. Sampaolo. Milano, 2014. P. 113, 114.
(сс) 2019. Photo: Sergey Sosnovskiy (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Exhibition “Gods, Men, Heroes” (Saint Petersburg, The State Hermitage Museum, 18 Apr. — 23 Jun. 2019).
Text: exhibition museum label.
Keywords: απεικόνιση portrait portraiture ritratto ritrattistica porträtmalerei porträt of a man male maschile uomo männliches mann masculin un homme porträtstatue statua loricata lorica cuirassed cuirass armor armour corazzata armatura kürassierte rüstung cuirassée armure roman romana römisches romain γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό romano romani römisch römische römischen römischer romaine romains romaines ἄγαλμα άγαλμα statuae statue statues statui statuen statuons standing in piedi stehende pédestre marble marmo marmor marbre μάρμαρο pteruges pteryges ptуryges pterigi ptéryge πτέρυγες military cloak mantello militare militärischer mantel manteau militaire στρατιωτικό μανδύα paludamentum gorgoneion gorgonion head gorgon medusa testa di gorgone gorgonenhaupt medusenhaupt γοργόνειον musculata anatomical muscular corazza anatomica muskelpanzer cuirasse musculaire musclée héroïque hasta spear lancia speer lance δόρυ pompeii pompei pompeji pompéi πομπηία calcei patricii mullei calceus patricius mulleus calceo knot nodo knoten noeud nœud palmette palmetta corrigia corrigiae shoe-lace tie cinturino da scarpe schuhriemen sangle de chaussure elephas elephant elefante elefant éléphant ελέφαντας shoulder-strap straps shoulder guard guards shoulderguard shoulderguards achselklappe achselklappen fulmen with thunderbolt lightning bolt fulmine folgore blitzbündel blitz donnerkeil foudre αστραπή fringe leather flap flaps lederklappen klappen lion leone löwenkopf tête κεφάλι λιονταριού floral ornament vegetal motif ornamento floreale blumenverzierung ornement στολίδι horned cornuto gehörnt à cornes ram ariete widderkopf bélier commander general heerführer feldherr général marcus olconius rufus holconius marco olconio rufo holconio winged alato geflügelter löwe ailé string band schnürband cordon inv no 6233