Ajax carrying the body of Achilles flanked by Scythian archers
Black-figured neck-amphora. Attic.
Ca. 510 BCE.
Height 35 cm.
Sotheby’s Auction House, New York

Ajax carrying the body of Achilles flanked by Scythian archers.

Black-figured neck-amphora. Attic.
Ca. 510 BCE.
Height 35 cm.

Sotheby’s Auction House, New York.

Private collection.
Sotheby’s, London, November 26th, 1968, lot 133.
The collection of Sideo Fromboluti and Nora Speyer.
Sotheby’s, New York, June 8th, 2011, lot 9. Price realized: 104,500 USD.
An Attic Black-figured Neck Amphora, circa 510 B.C., with torus foot, triple handles, and echinus mouth, painted on one side with Ajax carrying the body of Achilles flanked by Scythian archers, his shield emblazoned with a lion’s head, and on the other side with Hermes Kriophoros flanked by two women each holding a double branch, encircling rays, festooned lotus buds, and a dotted zigzag line above the foot, linked lotus flowers and palmettes in the handle zones, linked double palmettes on the neck, the details in added red and white, a graffito under the foot.

Estimate: 30,000—50,000 USD.

Frank Brommer, Vasenlisten zur griechischen Heldensage, 3rd. ed., Marburg, 1973, p. 375, no. 21.
Susan Woodford and Margot Loudon, “Two Trojan Themes: The Iconography of Ajax Carrying the Body of Achilles and of Aeneas Carrying Anchises in Black Figure Vase Painting”, American Journal of Archaeology, 1980, p. 37, no. G 4.
H. Alan Shapiro, Art and Culture under the Tyrants in Athens, Mainz, 1989, pl. 38 A.
François Lissarrague, L’autre guerrier. Archers, peltastes, cavaliers dans l’imagerie attique, Paris and Rome, 1990, p. 86, no. 45.
Beazley Archive Pottery Database, no. 13518.
© 2011. Photo, text: Sotheby’s Auction House (Sale N08762 Lot 9).
Keywords: κεραμικά ceramics clay terracotta ceramica keramik céramique ελλάδα grecia graecia hellas greece griechenland grèce αττική attika attica attic attique technique tecnica vasenmalerei μελανόμορφη black-figure black-figured a figure nere schwarzfigurige schwarzfiguriger à figures noires αμφορέας amphora anfora amphore neck collo distinto halsamphora col ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque ἀχιλλεύς αχιλλέας achilleus achilles hero eroe achille heros achill héros αἴᾱς τελαμώνιος μέγας αίας ο ajax the great telamonian aiace telamonio held aias der telamonier große pharetra cucurum quiver faretra köcher φαρέτρα armour armor armatura rüstung armure πανοπλία crista crest crested helmet elmo crestato kammhelm casque crête κράνος λοφίο κρωβύλος κρώβυλος shield scudo schild bouclier ασπίδα barba barbatum beard bearded man uomo barbuto bart bärtiger mann barbe homme barbu γενειάδα γενειοφόρος άνθρωπος knemis knemides ocrea ocreae greave greaves schiniere schinieri gambiera gambieri beinschiene beinschienen cnémide cnémides κνημῖδες hasta spear lancia speer lance δόρυ palmette palmetta lion head testa di leone löwenkopf tête de κεφάλι λιονταριού bow arco bogen arc τόξο corinthian corinzio korinthische helm corinthien κορινθιακό crux gammata swastika svastica star stella stern l’étoile lotus scythian warrior suerriero scitico skythenkrieger guerrier scythe archer arciere bogenschütze hat cap cappello berretto scita skythenhut skythenmütze skythische mütze chapeau clothing clothes vestiti sciti kleidung vêtements scythes echinus mouth torus foot triple handle collection of sideo fromboluti and nora speyer collezione sammlung carrying body flanked by archers