Portrait head of Nero
Plaster cast.
Original: Luna marble, 55—68 CE.
Height 43 cm.
Inv. No. MCR 317.Rome, Museum of Roman CivilizationPhoto by Olga Lyubimova

Portrait head of Nero.

Plaster cast.
Original: Luna marble, 55—68 CE.
Height 43 cm.
Inv. No. MCR 317.

Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization
(Roma, Museo della civiltà romana).

Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
Original is found on Palatine hill in Rome; now in the National Roman museum, Baths of Diocletian (inv. no. 616).
State of preservation: fragmentary.
Restorations: lips in plaster. Earlier restorations of the nose and veil were removed.

p.114 Coin Type III constitutes a quite explicit and individualized portrait and is the first to permit unquestionable identification of a number of sculptured replicas as Nero. An unusually precise comparison can be made between the coin images (cf. especially pl. 17, figs. 6 and 7) and the portrait head from Olbia in the Museo Nazionale, Cagliari p.115 Inv. 35533 (pl. 21, figs. 33, 34)6, and a head in the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua (pl. 22, figs. 35, 36)7. These sculptures serve in turn to confirm the attribution to Nero of a third replica, a veiled head in the Terme Museum, Rome (pl. 23, figs. 37, 38)8, whose identity has sometimes been doubted.

6Cagliari, Museo Nazionale. Inv. 35533. Head worked for insertion in a statue. From Olbia. Marble, H. where visible ca. 0.42 m. Part of the right ear restored; features otherwise intact. The bust below the neck is modern. Bandinelli, 157, no. 1, pl. 32; Poulsen, Nero, 120, no. 1, figs. 7, 8; Charbonneaux, 37 ff.

7Mantua, Palazzo Ducale. Head mounted on a later antique bust. From the Gonzaga collections at Sabbioneta. Marble, H. of head 0.24 m. Nose, parts of left ear, lips and chin restored. Bernoulli, 173, no. 17, pp. 206, 307, 318; A. Levi, Sculture Greche e Romane del Palazzo Ducale di Mantova (Rome 1931) 58, no. 111, pl. 64, b; Bandinelli, 159, no. 7; Poulsen, Nero 120, no. 6.

8Rome, Terme Museum. Inv. 616. Velate head from a statue. Found on the Palatine. Marble, H. 0.43 m. Parts of nose, lips, edges of toga missing. Poulsen, Nero, 120, no. 9; Poulsen, 294 ff.; B. M. Felletti Maj, Museo Nazionale Romano, I Ritratti (Rome 1953) 65, no. 108; Charbonneaux, 37 ff.; Helbig4, III, 1969, no. 2301.

U. W. Hiesinger
Poulsen V. Nero, Britannicus and Others // Acta archaeologica. Vol. 22. 1951. P. 120, no. 9.
Felletti Maj B. M. Museo Nazionale Romano, Vol. 1. Ritratti. Roma, 1953. P. 65, № 108
Poulsen V. Once More the Young Nero // Acta Archaeologica. Vol. 25. 1954. P. 294 ff.
Charbonneaux M. J. Un Nouveau Portrait de Néron // Mémoires de la Société nationale des antiquaires de France. N. S. T. 3. 1954. P. 37 ff.
Helbig W. Führer durch die öffentlichen Sammlungen klassischer Altertümer in Rom. 4 Aufl. Bd. 3. 1969. № 2301.
Hiesinger U. W. The Portraits of Nero // AJA. Vol. 79. 1975. P. 114 f..
Bergmann M., Zanker P. Damnatio memoriae. Umgearbeitete Nero- und Domitiansporträts. Zur Ikonographie der flavischen Kaiser und des Nerva // JdI. Bd. 96. 1981. S. 322. Nr. b.
(сс) 2009. Photo: Olga Lyubimova (CC BY-SA 4.0).
© 1975. Description: Hiesinger U. W. The Portraits of Nero // AJA. Vol. 79. No. 2 (Apr. 1975). P. 114 f. Pl. 21. Fig. 33—34.
© Add. information: Arachne.
Keywords: απεικόνιση portrait portraiture ritratto ritrattistica porträtmalerei porträt of a man male maschile uomo männliches mann masculin un homme portraitkopf roman romana römisches romain αυτοκρατορικό imperial imperiale kaiserliches impérial ιουλιο-κλαυδιανή δυναστεία iulio-claudia iulii-claudii julii-claudii the julio-claudian dynasty dinastia giulio-claudia julisch-claudische dynastie famille julio-claudienne julio-claudiens ρωμαίος αυτοκράτορας νέρων νέρωνας imperator nero emperor imperatore romano nerone römischer kaiser empereur néron γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό romani römisch römische römischen romaine romains romaines κεφάλι κεφαλή head testa kopf tête marmor lunensis luna carrara marble marmo lunense carrarese lunensischer carrarischer carrara-marmor marbre de carrare luni μάρμαρο καρράρα capite velato caput velatum veiled with covered plaster cast calco in gesso gips abguss abguß gypse plâtre γύψο baths termi inv no mcr 317 616~