Death of Laocoön and his sons
Marble. Ca. 50 BCE. Rome, Vatican Museums

Death of Laocoön and his sons.

Marble. Ca. 50 BCE.

Rome, Vatican Museums
(Roma, Musei Vaticani).

© 2004 Photo, text: Mify narodov mira. Entsiklopediya. (V 2 tomah). Gl. red. S. A. Tokarev.— M.: “Sovetskaya entsiklopediya”, 1982. T. II, s. 37.
Keywords: σύγχρονη γλυπτική sculptura modern sculpture scultura moderna moderne skulptur ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque λαοκόων laocoon laocoön laocoonte laokoon αντόνιο κανόβα antonio canova marble statue group death of and his sons the trojan war guerra di troia snake snakes serpent serpents children reconstruction restoration by after giovanni angelo montorsoli agostino cornacchini