Wall painting of the exedra or triclinium y, lower part of the south wall
Fresco of the 4th style from Pompeii (House of the Bronzes, VII. 4. 59).
50—79 CE.
Painting by Vincenzo Loria (1850—1939).
Naples, National Archaeological Museum

Wall painting of the exedra or triclinium y, lower part of the south wall.

Fresco of the 4th style from Pompeii (House of the Bronzes, VII. 4. 59).
50—79 CE.
Painting by Vincenzo Loria (1850—1939).

Naples, National Archaeological Museum
(Napoli, Museo archeologico nazionale).

Pompeii, Archaeological Park, House of Black Wall (VII. 4. 59).
Excavated 1856.
1886. Photo, text: Cerillo, Edoardo. Dipinti murali di Pompei: medaglie, Istituto d’Incoraggiamento di Napoli, Esposizioni di Londra e Milano / Illustrazione per l’Arch. Ing. Edoardo Cerillo; Versione francese pel Cav. Giulio Cottrau. Napoli [1888?]. Pl. VII.
2020. Add. information: http://pompeiiinpictures.com.
Keywords: ζωγραφικήί pictura ars picturae painting pittura malerei peinture ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque ρωμαϊκή romana roman römische romaine γίγαντες gigantes giant giants giganti gigant giganten géant géants σάτυρος σάτυροι satyros satyroi satur saturus satyr satyrs satiro satiri satyrn satyre satyres ἔρως έρως eros éros amor cupid amore cupido amour γιούνο dea juno iuno goddess divinità giunone göttin déesse junon ρωμαϊκές romano romani römisch römisches römischen römischer romain romains romaines kένταυρος kentauros centaurus centauri centaur centaurs centauro kentaur zentaur centaure centaures σφίγξ σφίγγα sphinx sfinge ψυχή psyche psiche psyché ἱππόκαμπος hippokampos hippocampus hippocamp sea-horse ippocampo cavallo marino hippokamp seepferd hippocampe cheval marin πομπηία pompeii pompeian pompei pompeiano pompeji pompeianischen pompejanischen pompéi pompéien τέταρτο στυλ fourth style iv quarto stile vierte vierter stil quatrième φρεσκογραφία τοιχογραφία νωπογραφία wall fresco frescos frescoes opera parietale murale opere parietali murali affresco affreschi freskomalerei frischmalerei wandmalerei fresko fresken fresque fresques pintura mural female dress clothes clothing garment abbigliamento femminile damenbekleidung vêtements pour femmes γυναικεία ρούχα ara altar altare autel βωμός oblatio sacrificium sacrifice sacrificio opfer θυσία libatio sacrificial libation libagione trankopfer σπονδή σπονδαί serta garland garlands ghirlanda ghirlandi girlande guirlande γιρλάντα serpens serpent snake serpente schlange φίδι crista crest crested helmet elmo crestato kammhelm casque à crête κράνος λοφίο κρωβύλος κρώβυλος aspis circular round shield scudo rotondo greco griechischer rundschild rundem schild bouclier rond grec ἀσπίς ασπίδα candelabrum candelabra candelabro armleuchter kandelaber candélabre μανουάλι gorgoneion gorgonion head of gorgon medusa testa di gorgone gorgonenhaupt medusenhaupt γοργόνειον lagobolon pedum shepherd’s crook shepherd crooked staff truffatore pastore bastone da bird birds uccello vogel oiseau πουλί patera alatus alata winged alato geflügelt ailé φτερωτό delphinus dolphin dolphins delfino delphin dauphin δελφίνια architecture architectural composition motive motives motif motifs architettura composizione architettonica motivo architettonico motivi architettonici architektur architektonische komposition architektonisches motiv architecturale architecturaux αρχιτεκτονική σύνθεση imaginary fantasy immaginaria fantasia imaginäre fantasie imaginaire fantaisie φανταστική φαντασία pavo peacock pavone pfau paon παγόνι geflügelte ailée φτερωτή frizzle curl arricciamento arricciolamento ricciolo riccio krause ringel frisure frisottis flos flores flower flowers fiore fiori blume blumen fleur fleurs λουλούδι λουλούδια oscillum oscilla pinax pinakes tabula tabulae tabella tabellae votive tablet image picture tavoletta votiva immagine tafel votivtafel votivtablette tafelgemälde tablette tableau πίναξ jug pitcher brocca krug broc κανάτα phial phiale φιάλη statue deity divinity statua una der gottheit de la divinité άγαλμα της θεότητας caryatid cariatide karyatide caryatide καρυάτιδα καρυάτις καρυάτιδες sacred sacral-idyllic landscape paesaggio sacrale-idilliaco sacro heilige idyllische landschaft paysage idyllique sacré ιερό ειδυλλιακό τοπίο pedestal base piedistallo podio postament sockel piédestal βάθρο decor dekor décor leaf leaves foglio foglie blatt blätter feuille feuilles φύλλο φύλλα on black background su fondo nero auf schwarzem hintergrund sur fond noir antefix antefissa stirnziegel antéfixe tree albero heiliger baum arbre lamb agnello lamm agneau volute voluta branch ramo ast zweig branche rameau capsa cista box cist casket case scatola scrigno schatulle schmuckästchen baguier chiton khiton long chitone lungo langer χιτών frieze fregio fries frise mask maschere maschera maske masque μάσκα grus crane kranich grue house the bronzes vii 4 59 casa della parete nera dei bronzi vincenzo loria snake-legged anguipedic cornice cornicione gesims corniche lion leone geflügelter löwe telamon telamones telamons telamone télamon cupids and making sacrifices statue juno at athena inv no 20879~