Statues of an athletes
Bronze.Copy or reworking of a Greek original of the 4th century BCE by Lysipp’s school. Inv. Nos. 5626 (right) / 5627 (left).Naples, National Archaeological MuseumPhoto by Sergey Sosnovskiy
Statues of an athletes.
Copy or reworking of a Greek original of the 4th century BCE by Lysipp’s school.
Copy or reworking of a Greek original of the 4th century BCE by Lysipp’s school.
Inv. Nos. 5626 (right) / 5627 (left).
Naples, National Archaeological Museum
(Napoli, Museo archeologico nazionale).
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό roman romana romano romani römisch römische römisches römischen römischer romain romaine romains romaines ρωμαϊκό αντίγραφο copy copia kopie copie χάλκινο bronze bronzo bronzeo bronzen ἄγαλμα άγαλμα statua statuae statue statues statui statuen statuons nude nuda nackte nue athleta athlete atleta athlet athlète αθλητής youth young man giovane junge adolescent νεαρός villa of the papyri dei papiri herculaneum from da ercolano von de herculanum ἡράκλειον ερκολάνο lysippus lysippos sikyon lisippo sicione lysipp aus lysippe λύσιππος luctator wrestler lottatore ringer lutteur παλαιστής ephebos ephebus ephebe efebo éphèbe ἔφηβος inlaid eyes glass paste occhi di pasta vetro vitrea augen glaspaste yeux pâte verre uomo nudo nackt nackter mann homme nu sport αθλητισμός inv no 5626 (right) 5627 (left)