Herm with a male portrait bust
Penthelic marble.
Early Severan period (200—210 CE).
Inv. No. 3026.Thessaloniki, Archaeological MuseumPhoto by Ilya Shurygin

Herm with a male portrait bust.

Penthelic marble.
Early Severan period (200—210 CE).
Inv. No. 3026.

Thessaloniki, Archaeological Museum.

© 2014. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Info: museum annotation.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur greek greca greco greche griechische griechisches grecque grecquesё herma herm term erma herme απεικόνιση portrait portraiture ritratto ritrattistica porträtmalerei porträt of a man male maschile uomo männliches mann masculin un homme porträtherme porträt-herme pentelic marble marmo pentelico pentelischer marbre pentelique marmor pentelicum πεντελικό μάρμαρο πεντελικὴ μάρμαρος beard bearded barba barbuto bart bärtiger barbe barbu barbatum γενειάδα γενειοφόρος άνθρωπος inv no 3026