Youth tying a fillet around his head (diadoumenos)
Roman copy of the Flavian period of a Greek bronze statue of ca. 430 BCE by Polykleitos.
Height 185.4 cm.
Inv. No. 25.78.56.New York, Metropolitan Museum of ArtPhoto by Ilya Shurygin

Youth tying a fillet around his head (diadoumenos).

Roman copy of the Flavian period of a Greek bronze statue of ca. 430 BCE by Polykleitos.
Height 185.4 cm.
Inv. No. 25.78.56.

New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Fletcher Fund, 1925.
Head, arms, legs from knees down and tree trunk are ancient. Remainder of figure is a cast taken from a marble copy found in Delos and now in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens.
© 2015. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Data: museum annotation.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό roman romana romano romani römisch römische römisches römischen römischer romain romaine romains romaines ρωμαϊκό αντίγραφο copy copia kopie copie ἄγαλμα άγαλμα statua statuae statue statues statui statuen statuons nude nuda nackte nue standing in piedi stehende pédestre marble marmo marmor marbre μάρμαρο athleta athlete atleta athlet athlète αθλητής youth young man giovane junge adolescent νεαρός taenia tainia band ribbon fillet tenia tänie binden tænia ténia ταινία polyklitos polykleitos polycleitus polyclitus policleto polyklet polyclète πολύκλειτος uomo nudo nackt nackter mann homme nu diadoumenos diadumenos anadumenos diadem-bearer victorious diadumeno anadumeno benda diademträger stirnband der sich das umlegende diadumène celui qui se ceint du bandeau fletcher fund of a binding his hair youth tying around his diadumenos from delos di delo inv no 25.78.56