The Medea krater. Detail of the side A: the nurse and the paidagogos mourn the death of the children of Jason and Medea
Red-figured calyx-krater. Lucania.
Ca. 400 BCE.
Attributed to the Policoro Painter.
Inv. No. 1991.1.Cleveland, Museum of Art

The Medea krater. Detail of the side A: the nurse and the paidagogos mourn the death of the children of Jason and Medea.

Red-figured calyx-krater. Lucania.
Ca. 400 BCE.
Attributed to the Policoro Painter.
Inv. No. 1991.1.

Cleveland, Museum of Art.

(cc) 2010. Photo, text: The Cleveland Museum of Art (CC0 1.0).
Photo: Gary Kirchenbauer.
Keywords: κεραμικά ceramics clay terracotta ceramica keramik céramique ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque νοτιοταλικό southitalian southern italy mezzogiorno meridione süditalienisch süditalien suditalien μήδεια medea médée ἐρινύς ερινύες εὐμενίδες ευμενίδες erinyes erinys eumenides erinni eumenidi erinnyen érinyes érinnyes euménides technique tecnica vasenmalerei ερυθρόμορφος red figure red-figure red-figured a rosse rotfigurige rotfiguriger à figures rouges κρατήρ κρατήρας krater сrater cratere cratère λευκανία λουκανία lucania lucanian lucana lukanien lukanische lucanienne calyx-krater calice kelchkrater en ara altar altare autel βωμός barba barbatum beard bearded man uomo barbuto bart bärtiger mann barbe homme barbu γενειάδα γενειοφόρος άνθρωπος mortem death decease morte decesso tod mort décès trépas θάνατος alatus alata winged geflügelte ailée φτερωτό φτερωτή cadaver corpse dead body cadavere morto leichnam verstorbene cadavre paedagogus paidagogos tutor mentor pedagogue mentore pedagogo pädagoge tuteur pédagogue μέντορας παιδαγωγός old woman vecchia alte frau greisin vieille femme ηλικιωμένη γυναίκα wave-pattern wave-like ornament wavy policoro painter pittore di policoro-maler peintre de vecchio greis alter vieux vieil lamentatio mourning lamentation compianto beweinung déploration wet-nurse nutrice amme nourrice inv no 1991.1