Scenes from life of a Greek school
Red-figure kylix, type B. Attic, Athens.
Attributed to Python as potter; signed by Douris as painter (signature: Δορις εγραφσεν).
Late archaic, transition to early classical, ca. 485—480 BCE.
Height 11.5 cm, diameter (without handles) 28.4 cm.
Berlin, State Museums, Old MuseumPhoto by ArchaiOptix

Scenes from life of a Greek school.

Red-figure kylix, type B. Attic, Athens.
Attributed to Python as potter; signed by Douris as painter (signature: Δορις εγραφσεν).
Late archaic, transition to early classical, ca. 485—480 BCE.
Height 11.5 cm, diameter (without handles) 28.4 cm.

Berlin, State Museums, Old Museum
(Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Altes Museum).

From Cerveteri.
John D. Beazley, Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, Oxford 1963(2), 431, 48.
Diana Buitron-Oliver, Douris: a master painter of red-figure vases, Mainz 1995, cat. 88.
2015. Photo, text: ArchaiOptix / Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0).
2020. Add. information:
Keywords: κεραμικά ceramics clay terracotta ceramica keramik céramique ελλάδα grecia graecia hellas greece griechenland grèce αττική attika attica attic attique αθήνα athens athenian atene athen athènes cup bowl coppa technique tecnica vasenmalerei ερυθρόμορφος red figure red-figure red-figured a rosse rotfigurige rotfiguriger à figures rouges κύλιξ kylix cylix type b tipo typ musical instrument strumento musicale musikinstrument de musique μουσικό όργανο furniture mobile möbel meubles έπιπλα youth young man giovane junge adolescent νεαρός barba barbatum beard bearded uomo barbuto bart bärtiger mann barbe homme barbu γενειάδα γενειοφόρος άνθρωπος taenia tainia band ribbon fillet tenia tänie binden tænia ténia ταινία lyra lyre lira λύρα volumen rotulus scroll roll rotolo schriftrolle κύλινδρος palmette palmetta baculum stick randello bastone stab stock bâton bourdon book libro buch livre βιβλίο caere from da cerveteri paedagogus paidagogos tutor mentor pedagogue mentore pedagogo pädagoge tuteur pédagogue μέντορας παιδαγωγός chlamys clamide χλαμύδος sella seat sedile sitz siège κάθισμα douris duris painter pittore duride maler ζωγράφος δούρις calathus kalathus kalathos calathos basket cesto korb panier κάλαθος musician playing musicista che suona musiker spielen auf musicien jouant klismos chair with curved backrest outcurved legs sedia con schienale curvo e gambe curve concavo stuhl mit gebogener rückenlehne und gebogenen beinen gebogene chaise avec dossier et jambes courbes κλισμός puer boy child bambino python potter vasaio töpfer potier πύθων music lesson lezione di musica musikstunde musikunterricht cours study teaching learning education studio insegnamento apprendimento educazione studieren lehren bildung étude enseignement apprentissage éducation schoolboy pupil scolaro alunno schüler élève écolier écolière teacher maestro lehrer maître greek school scuola greca griechische schule école grecque schloss charlottenburg scenes life of inv no f 2285~