Diomedes with stolen Palladium
Onyx. 1st century BCE.
2 × 1.7 cm.
Inv. No. Ж 13.Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum

Diomedes with stolen Palladium.

Onyx. 1st century BCE.
2 × 1.7 cm.
Inv. No. Ж 13.

Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum
(Санкт-Петербург, Государственный Эрмитаж).

For analogies, see: 1) Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale; Babelon, Catalogue, N 151, 152, pl. 16; 2) Florence, Archaeological. Museum; Reinach, Pierres gravées, pl. 54.
© 1971. Photo, text: Neverov O. Antique cameos in the Hermitage Collection. Aurora Art Publishers. Leningrad. 1971. P. 82, pl. 35.
Keywords: gemma glyptics gem gems glittica gliptica gemme glyptik glyptique ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque roman romana romano romani römische römischer romain romaine καμέα κάμερες cameo cameos cammeo cammei kamee camée kameo διομήδης diomedes diomede diomède two-layered onyx with palladium king ruler argus son of tydeus the trojan war stolen athena pallade minerva sword statue apollo killed priest inv no ж 13