Aeneas escaping from Troy with his father Anchises and juvenile son Ascanius
Facade of the House of Marcus Fabius Ululitremulus on the via dell’Abbondanza in Pompeii immediately after excavation.1st cent. CE.
46 × 52 cm. Pompeii, Archaeological Park, House of Marcus Fabius Ululitremulus (IX. 13. 5)
Aeneas escaping from Troy with his father Anchises and juvenile son Ascanius.
Facade of the House of Marcus Fabius Ululitremulus on the via dell’Abbondanza in Pompeii immediately after excavation.
1st cent. CE.
46 × 52 cm.
1st cent. CE.
46 × 52 cm.
Pompeii, Archaeological Park, House of Marcus Fabius Ululitremulus (IX. 13. 5)
(Pompei, Parco Archeologico, Casa di Marcus Fabius Ululitremulus (IX. 13. 5)).
Excavated 1913.
© 2020. Photo, text: https://twitter.com/pompeii_sites.
© Photo: Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei.
Photographer unknown, 1913, no. P 941.
2021. Add. information: http://pompeiiinpictures.com.
© Photo: Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei.
Photographer unknown, 1913, no. P 941.
2021. Add. information: http://pompeiiinpictures.com.
Keywords: ζωγραφικήί pictura ars picturae painting pittura malerei peinture φρεσκογραφία τοιχογραφία νωπογραφία wall fresco frescos frescoes opera parietale murale opere parietali murali affresco affreschi freskomalerei frischmalerei wandmalerei fresko fresken fresque fresques pintura mural ρωμαϊκές roman romana romano romani römisch römische römisches römischen römischer romain romaine romains romaines πομπηία pompeii pompeian pompei pompeiano pompeji pompeianischen pompejanischen pompéi pompéien ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque ἀγχίσης αγχίσης heros anchises hero eroe anchise held héros ἀσκάνιος ασκάνιος ίουλος ascanius askanios iulus ilus julus ascanio iulo askanius ascagne iule jule τρωικός πόλεμος bellum troianum trojan war guerra di troia trojanischer krieg guerre de troie αἰνείας aineias aeneas enea äneas énée male dress clothes clothing garment abbigliamento maschile herrenbekleidung vêtements pour hommes ανδρικά ρούχα armour armor armatura rüstung armure πανοπλία pteruges pteryges ptуryges pterigi ptéryge πτέρυγες youth young man giovane junge adolescent νεαρός cloak mantello mantel manteau μανδύα lorica musculata anatomical cuirass muscular corazza anatomica muskelpanzer cuirasse musculaire musclée héroïque lagobolon pedum shepherd’s crook of shepherd crooked staff truffatore pastore bastone da maeonia mitra phrygian cap berretto frigio cappello berretina phrygische mütze bonnet phrygien capite velato caput velatum veiled with covered head topboot boot boots stivali stiefel stiefeln bottes old vecchio greis alter mann vieux vieil homme chess ornament chequer ornamento scacchi schach-ornament ornement d’échecs via dell’abbondanza lost perso persa hat verloren einbüßen perdu perdue on white background su sfondo bianco fondo auf weißem hintergrund sur fond blanc puer boy child bambino marcus fabius ululitremulus fabii house the ix 13 5 casa dei fabi carrying escaping from troy his father and juvenile son ascanius
p 941