Aurora on her chariot
Sardonyx. 1st century BCE — 1st century CE.
2.2 × 2.8 cm.
Inv. No. Ж 11.Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum

Aurora on her chariot.

Sardonyx. 1st century BCE — 1st century CE.
2.2 × 2.8 cm.
Inv. No. Ж 11.

Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum
(Санкт-Петербург, Государственный Эрмитаж).

For analogies, see: New York, Metropolitan Museum, Richter, Catalogue, No 626, pl. 69.
Maksimova, Reznye kamni, str. 95; Vaulina, Klassicheskie elementy, str. 234, ris. 2.
© 1971. Photo, text: Neverov O. Antique cameos in the Hermitage Collection. Aurora Art Publishers. Leningrad. 1971. P. 85—86, pl. 53
Keywords: gemma glyptics gem gems glittica gliptica gemme glyptik glyptique ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque ρωμαϊκή romana roman römische romaine hellenistic egypt egitto tolemaico ellenistico ägypten égypte hellénistique ἠώς ηώς έως αύως dea eos goddess of the dawn divinità eo göttin der morgenröte déesse éos αουρόρα aurora aurore καμέα κάμερες cameo cameos cammeo cammei kamee camée kameo sardonyx sardonica on her chariot horse horses biga inv no ж 11