Arch of Septimius Severus with excavations around the Lapis Niger
Last excavations of 1900 carried out by Giacomo Boni. Rome, Roman ForumPhoto by Domenico Anderson

Arch of Septimius Severus with excavations around the Lapis Niger.

Last excavations of 1900 carried out by Giacomo Boni.

Rome, Roman Forum
(Roma, Foro Romano).

Albumen print, 19.4 × 26 cm.
Photo: Domenico Anderson (1854—1938), No. 3510, ca. 1900.
Inscription on the photo: 3510 - ROMA - Arco di Settimio Severo con scavi intorno al Lapis Niger - Anderson. Note in the catalog: Ultimi scavi del 1900 eseguiti dal comm. Boni.
2021. Source: The Patrick Montgomery Collection.
Fotografie di D. Anderson. Supplemento al Catalogo I. Roma: Vedute, Musei, Gallerie e Contorni. Roma 1901. P. 3.
Keywords: αρχιτεκτονική architectura architecture architettura architektur ρώμη rome roma rom ρωμαϊκή αγορά forum romanum roman foro romano römischer marktplatz romain αψίδα του σεπτίμιου σεβήρου arch of septimius severus arco di settimio severo septimius-severus-bogen arc de septime sévère lapis niger black stone tomb romulus pietra nera tomba romolo schwarzer stein romulus-grab pierre noire tombeau rostra rostrum new rostri rostres via sacra tabularium tabulario templum divi vespasiani temple vespasian and titus tempio del divo vespasiano e tito tempel des und vespasianstempel du divin vespasien et archaeological excavations scavi archeologici archäologische ausgrabungen fouilles archéologiques albumen print stampa all’albume albumina albuminabzug albuminpapier impression d’albumine tirage albuminé contact a contatto kontaktabzug domenico anderson giacomo boni 3510 con intorno al