Mosaic with scenes of gladiator fights
3rd cent. CE. Rome, Museum and Gallery of Villa Borghese

Mosaic with scenes of gladiator fights.

3rd cent. CE.

Rome, Museum and Gallery of Villa Borghese
(Roma, Museo e Galleria di Villa Borghese).

Private collection, Borghese.
Found in 1834 on the Borghese estate at Torrenova, on the Via Casilina outside Rome
© 2000. Photo, text: Augenti A. Rom. Kunst und Archäologie. SCALA, Florenz, 2003. P. 13.
Keywords: μωσαϊκό mosaic mosaics mosaica mosaici mosaik mosaïque ρώμη rome roman roma romano rom römisches romaine armilla bracelet braccialetto bracciale armband armreif armspange spange βραχιόλι ensis sword spada schwert épée ξίφος σπαθί knemis knemides ocrea ocreae greave greaves schiniere schinieri gambiera gambieri beinschiene beinschienen cnémide cnémides κνημῖδες belt cintura cingolo gurt gürtel ceinture ζώνη floor pavement mosaico pavimentale bodenmosaik de sol wounded ferito verwundeter blessé τραυματισμένο dagger knife pugnale coltello dolch messer poignard couteau gladiator gladiators gladiatore gladiatori gladiatoren gladiateur gladiateurs μονομάχος μονομάχοι gladiatorial helmet elmo da gladiatorenhelm helm casque net rete dei gladiatorennetz netz filet μονομάχο δίχτυ manica armguard waffe tridens fuscina tridente dreizack trident galerus spongia shoulder shield protezione metallica schulterschirm parierschild large épaulière rectangular scudo rettangolare del rechteckiger schild des bouclier rectangulaire du fight lotta gladiatorenkampf combat dying morente moribondo sterbender mourant torrenova torrenuova via casilina from the villa borghese cil vi 10206 licentiosus purpureus entinus baccibus astacius astivus θ iaculator rodan