Allegory of the might of love
Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis and Hymen surrounded by eroses.
Amphoriskos made of sardonyx. Early 1st century. Height: 5.5 cm.
Inv. No. Ж 361.Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum

Allegory of the might of love.

Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis and Hymen surrounded by eroses.
Amphoriskos made of sardonyx. Early 1st century. Height: 5.5 cm.
Inv. No. Ж 361.

Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum
(Санкт-Петербург, Государственный Эрмитаж).

Acquired from the Baron A. L. Nicolai collection c. 1800.
Previously belonged to the French Royal collection (from the 17th to the mid-18th century) and to the engraver Jacquet Guay (1753—1793).
Stefani, Putevoditel, str. 70; Maksimova, Reznye kamni, str. 97; Furtwängler, Die antiken Gemmen, III, S. 340, Abb. 190; E. Simon, Die Portlandvase, Mainz, 1957, Taf. 25; H. Bühler, Antike Gefäße aus Chalzedonen, Stuttgart, 1966, Taf. III.
© 1971. Photo, text: Neverov O. Antique cameos in the Hermitage Collection. Aurora Art Publishers. Leningrad. 1971. P. 88, pl. 70
Keywords: gemma glyptics gem gems glittica gliptica gemme glyptik glyptique ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque ρωμαϊκή romana roman römische romaine θεός ἀπόλλων απόλλων apollon deus apollo phoebus god dio febo gott apoll dieu ἀφροδίτη αφροδίτη aphrodite afrodite ἔρως έρως eros éros amor cupid amore cupido amour βένους venus venere vénus ντιάνα dea diana goddess göttin déesse diane romano romani römischer romain καμέα κάμερες cameo cameos cammeo cammei kamee camée kameo ὑμήν υμήν υμέναιος hymenaios hymenaeus hymen imene imeneo hyménée amphoriskos made of sardonyx sardonica allegory the might love artemis and surrounded by eroses cynthia inv no ж 361