Actor, dresses as a king
Fresco from Herculaneum.
30—40 CE.
39 × 39 cm.
Inv. No. 9019.Naples, National Archaeological Museum, Hall LXVIIIPhoto by Luigi Spina

Actor, dresses as a king.

Fresco from Herculaneum.
30—40 CE.
39 × 39 cm.
Inv. No. 9019.

Naples, National Archaeological Museum, Hall LXVIII
(Napoli, Museo archeologico nazionale, Sala LXVIII).

Herculaneum, Archaeological Park, Insula Orientalis (II. 4. 19).
Herculaneum, Ins. Orientalis II. 4. 19 (according to M. Pagano and R. Prisciandaro, 2006, found along with other paintings and fragments of paintings in the area of the Palaestra on February 21, 1761).
This is shown in AdE IV, p. 195, Tav. 41, and described as being found together with inv. 9020 in February 1761 at Portici.
La scena raffigura un attore in costume da re, con scettro, spada e calzari d’oro, seduto sul diphros il tipico sgabello greco privo di spalliera.
Pagano, M. and Prisciandaro, R., 2006. Studio sulle provenienze degli oggetti rinvenuti negli scavi borbonici del regno di Napoli. Naples: Nicola Longobardi, p. 218.
Google Cultural Institute.
© Photo: Luigi Spina.
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Keywords: ζωγραφικήί pictura ars picturae painting pittura malerei peinture φρεσκογραφία τοιχογραφία νωπογραφία wall fresco frescos frescoes opera parietale murale opere parietali murali affresco affreschi freskomalerei frischmalerei wandmalerei fresko fresken fresque fresques pintura mural ρωμαϊκές roman romana romano romani römisch römische römisches römischen römischer romain romaine romains romaines herculaneum ercolano herculanum from portici da aus de female dress clothes clothing garment abbigliamento femminile damenbekleidung vêtements pour femmes γυναικεία ρούχα hairdo hairstyle pettinatura acconciatura weibliche frisur coiffure féminine θηλυκό χτένισμα male maschile herrenbekleidung hommes ανδρικά bracelet braccialetto bracciale armband armreif armspange spange armilla βραχιόλι sword spada schwert épée ensis ξίφος σπαθί baldric balteo wehrgehänge balteus sandal sandals sandalo sandali sandale solea πέδιλα σάμβαλα σάνδᾰλον σανδάλια σανδάλι girl young woman ragazza mädchen mädel jeune fille κοπέλα gold golden d’oro goldene goldener d’or d’ors χρυσός χρυσή χρυσό χρυσαφένιος χρυσαφένια χρυσαφένιο sceptre scettro zepter sceptrum σκήπτρο high-girded belt alta cinto cintura fascia altocinto carved leg gamba intagliata geschnitztes bein jambe sculptée actor attore schauspieler acteur ηθοποιός seated sitting siede seduta seduto sitzt sitzende sitzender assis assise folding stool sgabello pieghevole klappstuhl tabouret pliable difros diphros okladias δίφρος ὀκλαδίας theatrical mask maschera teatrale theatermaske masque théâtre féminin insula orientalis ii 4 ins king re könig roi rex βασιλιάς 19 dresses as a inv no 9019