Circus charioteer with a horse
Floor mosaic.
First half of the 3d cent. CE.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Palazzo Massimo alle TermePhoto by Ilya Shurygin

Circus charioteer with a horse.

Floor mosaic.
First half of the 3d cent. CE.

Rome, Roman National Museum, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme
(Roma, Museo nazionale romano, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme).

From a cubiculum of the Severan villa in Baccano on XVI mile of via Cassia.
© 2017. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Data: museum annotation.
Keywords: μωσαϊκό mosaic mosaics mosaica mosaici mosaik mosaïque ρώμη rome roman roma romano rom römisches romaine helmet elmo helm casque cassis περικεφαλαία κράνος horse horses cavallo cavalli pferd pferde cheval chevaux equus equi ίππος άλογα beard bearded man barba uomo barbuto bart bärtiger mann barbe homme barbu barbatum γενειάδα γενειοφόρος άνθρωπος greave greaves schiniere schinieri gambiera gambieri beinschiene beinschienen cnémide cnémides knemis knemides ocrea ocreae κνημῖδες tack harness finimenti geschirr harnachement floor pavement mosaico pavimentale bodenmosaik de sol whiskers sidewhiskers basette backenbart favoris male hairstyle pettinatura maschile herren-frisur coiffure masculine driver charioteer aurige auriga agitator whip frusta peitsche fouet flagellum chariot races racing competitions in the circus corsa dei carri wagenrennen zirkusrennen courses chars ludi circenses harmatodromia ἁρματοδρομία mustache baffi schnurrbart moustache mystace villa severi baccano