Mithras killing the bull (Mithras tauroctony)
1st cent. BCE - 4th cent. CE.
Inv. No. AO 22256.Paris, Louvre MuseumPhoto by Ilya Shurygin

Mithras killing the bull (Mithras tauroctony).

1st cent. BCE - 4th cent. CE.
Inv. No. AO 22256.

Paris, Louvre Museum.

From mithraeum in Sidon (Lebanon) discovered by Edmond Durighello in 1887.
© 2013. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Data: museum annotation.
Keywords: ρωμαϊκή μυθολογία mythologia romana roman mythology mitologia römische mythologie romaine γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur asia minor sword spada schwert épée ensis ξίφος σπαθί serpent snake serpente schlange serpens φίδι scabbard sheath fodero guaina scheide fourreau vagina θήκη fastener clasp brooch fibbia spilla fibel schließe fibule fibula phrygian cap berretto frigio cappello berretina phrygische mütze bonnet phrygien maeonia mitra bull toro stier taureau taurus βόδι ταύρος belt cintura cingolo gurt gürtel ceinture ζώνη dog cane hund chien σκυλί dagger knife pugnale coltello dolch messer poignard couteau male hairstyle pettinatura maschile herren-frisur coiffure masculine mantlet mantello umhang mantelet scorpion scorpione skorpion scorpius σκορπιός che uccide il mithra mithras dio nell attimo prima dell uccisione del mithraeum sidon mitreo tauroctoni tauroctony inv no ao 22256