Ostothekes of the spouses (ash urn in the form of a miniature sarcophagus)
Limestone.Roman period. Alanya, Archaeological museumPhoto by Ilya Shurygin
Ostothekes of the spouses (ash urn in the form of a miniature sarcophagus).
Roman period.
Roman period.
Alanya, Archaeological museum
(Alanya, Arkeoloji Muzesi).
Ostothekes show the ancient burial customs in the best way. They are generally made of limestone. The native people who knew that it was difficult to dig the ground in a mountainous area used limestone as ash-urns. So they immortalized and expressed their respect to the deceased. The ostothekes of different sizes generally known to be made in Roman and Byzantine period were carved in sarcophagi shape with their gable-lids. The long sides of most were decorated with garland and lotus by being inspired from the rich flora of the region.
Some of them were carved with male and female heads between the garlands. Few were inscribed in Greek, and Eros and Medusa were the frequently described mythological figures. Bull heads generally appeared at the comers and a stylized door was depicted on the narrow sides which must have meant "the door of Hades, the god of the Underworld". While the door of Hades was described on some of them, such elements as door handles, and locks were engraved in detail.
Some of them were carved with male and female heads between the garlands. Few were inscribed in Greek, and Eros and Medusa were the frequently described mythological figures. Bull heads generally appeared at the comers and a stylized door was depicted on the narrow sides which must have meant "the door of Hades, the god of the Underworld". While the door of Hades was described on some of them, such elements as door handles, and locks were engraved in detail.
© 2024. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Data: museum annotation.
Data: museum annotation.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur asia minor κηδεία funeral funerary funeraria funerario begräbnisskulptur beerdigung funéraire garland garlands ghirlanda ghirlandi girlande guirlande serta γιρλάντα acroterion acroterio akroterion acrotère acroterium akroteria urn urna funebre ossuario beerdigungsurne urne cadus ossuarium lid of copertura dell’urna urnenabdeckung couverture d’urne posthumous portrait ritratto postumo posthume porträt male the deceased man del defunto des verstorbenen mannes du défunt woman della donna deceduta frau de la femme décédée ostothekes ostoteco ostotek ostotec