Constantine the Great and Tyche of Constantinople
Thirties of the 4th century.
Reworked in the early 19th century by the master Benedetto Pistrucci.
18.5 × 12.2 cm.
Inv. Nos. ГР-12534 / Ж 146.Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum

Constantine the Great and Tyche of Constantinople.

Thirties of the 4th century.
Reworked in the early 19th century by the master Benedetto Pistrucci.
18.5 × 12.2 cm.
Inv. Nos. ГР-12534 / Ж 146.

Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum
(Санкт-Петербург, Государственный Эрмитаж).

Stefani, Putevoditel, str. 73; M. Maximowa, DerTrajankameoder Ermitage, JDI, 1927, S. 299; R. Delbrueck. Spätantike Kaiserporträts, Berlin, 1933, S. 130, Abb. 32; G. Bruns, Staatskameen des 4. Jh., 104. Winckelmanns-programm, Berlin, 1948, S. 29, Abb. 25.
© 1971. Photo, text: Neverov O. Antique cameos in the Hermitage Collection. Aurora Art Publishers. Leningrad. 1971. P. 95, pl. 106.
Keywords: gemma glyptics gem gems glittica gliptica gemme glyptik glyptique αυτοκρατορικό imperial imperiale kaiserliches impérial ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque ρωμαίος αυτοκράτορας κωνσταντίνος α΄ μέγας imperator constantinus i magnus roman emperor constantine the great imperatore romano costantino il grande römischer kaiser konstantin der große empereur romain constantin ier romana romani römische romaine καμέα κάμερες cameo cameos cammeo cammei kamee camée kameo θεότητα τύχη tyche goddess deity divinità tiche göttin divinité tyché απεικόνιση portrait portraiture ritratto ritrattistica porträtmalerei porträt römisches sardonyx sardonica and of constantinople by master benedetto pistrucci male fortune fortuna laurel wreath corona di alloro laurels wall mural crown muralis armour inv no гр-12534 ж 146