81. SCULPTURE. Rome. Judgement of Paris (a fragmentary relief). Marble. Hadrianean era. Inv. No. 8563. Rome, Roman National Museum, Palazzo Altemps. | |
82. SCULPTURE. Rome. Relief “The Labours of Hercules” (front panel of a sarcophagus). Marble. 240—260 CE. Inv. No. 8642. Rome, Roman National Museum, Palazzo Altemps. | |
83. SCULPTURE. Rome. Relief “The Labours of Hercules” (line drawing). Marble. 240—260 CE. Inv. No. 8642. Rome, Roman National Museum, Palazzo Altemps. | |
84. SCULPTURE. Rome. Colossal statue of Hercules. Gilded bronze. Late 2nd century. Inv. No. 252. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Round Room, 8. | |
85. SCULPTURE. Rome. Colossal statue of Hercules. Gilded bronze. Late 2nd century. Inv. No. 252. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Round Room, 8. | |
86. SCULPTURE. Rome. Colossal statue of Hercules. Gilded bronze. Late 2nd century. Inv. No. 252. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Round Room, 8. | |
87. SCULPTURE. Rome. Colossal statue of Hercules. Gilded bronze. Late 2nd century. Inv. No. 252. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Round Room, 8. | |
88. SCULPTURE. Rome. Head of Heracles. Bronze. Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum. | |
89. SCULPTURE. Rome. Herm of Dionysos and Heracles. Detail: Heracles. Marble. 1st century. Inv. No. A. 50. Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum. | |
90. MOSAIC. Rome. Attributes of Heracles. Marble, smalt. Late 1st — early 2nd century. Inv. No. E.3133. Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum. | |
91. SCULPTURE. Greece. Statuette of Heracles mingens. Bronze, dark green, solid cast. 1st century BCE — 1st century CE. Inv. No. Б. 307. Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum. | |
92. SCULPTURE. Rome. Bust of Hercules. Bronze. 2nd—3rd centuries. Dark-brown patina. Inv. No. В. 494. Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum. | |
93. SCULPTURE. Rome. Heracles struggling with the Nemean lion. Marble. Inv. Nos. Гр. 5600 / А. 498. Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum. | |
94. SCULPTURE. Rome. Heracles struggling with the Nemean lion. Marble. Torsos of Heracles and the lion are fragments of the relief depicting the labours of Heracles from a Roman sarcophagus of the 2nd—3rd centuries (?). Additions and restoration are Italian work of the 17th century (?). Inv. No. Гр. 5600 (A. 498). Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum. | |
95. SCULPTURE. Rome. Heracles struggling with the Nemean lion. Marble. 2nd—3rd centuries (?). Inv. No. Гр. 5600 (A. 498). Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum. | |
96. SCULPTURE. Rome. Heracles struggling with the Nemean lion. Marble. 2nd—3rd centuries (?). Inv. No. Гр. 5600 (A. 498). Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum. | |
97. SCULPTURE. Rome. Heracles struggling with the Nemean lion. Marble. 2nd—3rd centuries (?). Inv. No. Гр. 5600 (A. 498). Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum. | |
98. SCULPTURE. Rome. Head of Heracles. Basalt. Inv. No. Гр. 8988 (А. 780). Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum. | |
99. SCULPTURE. Rome. Head of Heracles. Basalt. Inv. No. Гр. 8988 (А. 780). Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum. | |
100. PAINTING, GRAPHICS. Hercules and Omphale. Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (1611—1662). Oil on canvas. 100 × 133 cm. Inv. No. ГЭ 1601. Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum. | |