Sculpture | Rome | Reliefs
241. SCULPTURE. Rome.
The Louvre fragment of the North procession relief.
Ara Pacis Augustae, Rome.
Inv. Nos. Cp 6468 / Ma 1088.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
242. SCULPTURE. Rome.
The Louvre fragment of the North procession relief.
Ara Pacis Augustae, Rome.
Inv. Nos. Cp 6468 / Ma 1088.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
243. SCULPTURE. Rome.
“The Praetorians Relief”.
Grey veined marble. Ca. 51—52 CE.
Inv. No. LL. 398 (Ma 1079).
Paris, Louvre Museum.
244. SCULPTURE. Rome.
So-called Domitius Ahenobarbus relief.
Pentelic marble. End of the 2nd — beginning of the 1st cent. BCE / Ca. 110 BCE (according to the Louvre).
Inv. Nos. LL 399 (Ma 975) / Ma 975.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
245. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Headstone of gladiator Myron.
White marble. 2nd—3rd centuries CE.
Inv. No. MA 154.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
246. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Three Tyches.
Marble. Ca. 160 CE.
Inv. No. Ma 590.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
247. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Three Tyches (close-up).
Marble. Ca. 160 CE.
Inv. No. Ma 590.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
248. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Front panel of the sarcophagus of Marcus Cornelius Statius with scenes from the life of a child.
Ca. 150 CE.
Inv. No. Ma 659.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
249. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with a myth of Selene and Endymion.
Ca. 235 CE.
Inv. No. Ma 1335.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
250. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Judgement of Paris (a close-up of a lid of sarcophagus with a myth of Selene and Endymion).
Ca. 235 CE.
Inv. No. Ma 1335.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
251. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Sarcophagus of a married couple. Front panel with scenes of amazonomachy (close-up).
Marble. Ca. 180 CE.
Inv. No. Ma 2119.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
252. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Scene of sacrifice.
Grey veined marble. Third quarter of 1st or 1st quarter of 2nd century CE.
Inv. No. MNC 1786 (Ma 992).
Paris, Louvre Museum.
253. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Relief with dancing Maenads.
1st cent. CE.
Inv. Nos. MNE 68 / Ma 3626.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
254. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Relief showing the reading of auguries and declaration of sacred vows.
Grey marble.
First quarter of the 2nd CE.
Inv. Nos. MR 737 (Ma 978) / MR 792 (Ma 1089).
Paris, Louvre Museum.
255. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Left panel of the relief “Sacrifice in front of the Temple of Juppiter Capitolinus”. Detail: signature of the sculptor Marcus Ulpius Orestus.
CIL VI 29800.
Grey marble. First quarter of the 2nd CE.
Inv. No. MR 737 (MA 978).
Paris, Louvre Museum.
256. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Extispicium Relief. Left panel of the relief “Sacrifice in front of the Temple of Juppiter Capitolinus”.
Marble. Ca. 118—125 CE.
Inv. No. MR 737 (MA 978).
Paris, Louvre Museum.
257. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Front relief of a sarcophagus with a scene of lions hunting.
First half of 3rd cent. CE.
Inv. Nos. MR 739 / Ma 346.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
258. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Relief depicting dancing women known as “The Borghese dancers”.
2nd cent. CE. Rome.
Inv. Nos. MR 747 / Ma 1612.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
259. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Togate figures before the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus Capitolinus. Right panel of the relief “Sacrifice in Front of the Temple of Juppiter Capitolinus”.
Marble. Ca. 118—125 CE.
Inv. No. MR 792 (MA 1089).
Paris, Louvre Museum.
260. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Borghese vase.
Pentelic marble.
Neo-attic work of the second half of the 1st century BCE.
Inv. Nos. MR 985 / Ma 86.
Paris, Louvre Museum.