Sculpture | Rome | Reliefs
341. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Part’s pediment of the Arch of August on northwest side.
27 BCE.
342. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Ornamental clay slab of the Campana type with vintage scene.
Age of Augustus.
Rimini, Civic Museum Luigi Tonini.
343. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Satyr and Maenad.
2nd—1st cent. BCE.
Rimini, Civic Museum Luigi Tonini.
344. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Address of emperor to soldiers (adlocutio).
Relief on south side.
Marble. 175—196 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.
Arch of Constantinus (attic on the north side).
312—315 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.
Arch of Constantinus (attic on the south side).
312—315 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.
347. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Arrival of the emperor in Rome (adventus).
Relief on the north side.
Marble. 175—196 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.
348. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Battle of Milvian bridge (proelium).
Relief of the frieze on the southern side (Constantinian frieze).
Marble. 312—315 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.
349. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Bear hunt.
Relief on the Arch of Constantinus, tondo on south side.
117—138 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.
350. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Constantine and his attendants distributing largess to the Roman people (largitio).
Relief of the frieze on the eastern side (Constantinian frieze).
Marble. 312—315 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.
351. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Constantine enters Rome with his army (ingressus).
Relief of the frieze on the eastern side (Constantinian frieze).
Marble. 312—315 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.
352. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Departure for a hunt.
Relief on the Arch of Constantinus, tondo on south side.
117—138 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.
353. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Departure of the army of Constantine from Milan (profectio).
Relief of the frieze on the western side (Constantinian frieze).
Marble. 312—315 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.
354. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Departure of the emperor from Rome (profectio).
Relief on the north side.
Marble. 175—196 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.
355. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Lion hunting.
Relief on the Arch of Constantinus, tondo on north side.
117—138 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.
356. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Money distribution to Roman citizens (congiarium, liberalitas).
Relief on the north side.
175—196 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.
357. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sacrifice to Apollo.
Relief on the Arch of Constantinus, tondo on north side.
117—138 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.
358. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sacrifice to Diana. Rome, Arch of Constantine
Relief on the Arch of Constantinus, tondo on south side.
117—138 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.
359. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sacrifice to Silvanus.
Relief on the Arch of Constantinus, tondo on south side.
117—138 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.
360. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Scene of the emperor’s mercy (clementia).
Relief on the north side.
Marble. 175—196 CE.
Rome, Arch of Constantine.