41. SCULPTURE. Rome. Portrait of Julius Caesar. Marble. Ca. 50 CE. Inv. No. 1870,0320.201. London, British Museum. | |
42. SCULPTURE. Rome. Portrait of Julius Caesar. Marble. Ca. 50 CE. Inv. No. 1870,0320.201. London, British Museum. | |
43. SCULPTURE. Rome. Portrait of Julius Caesar. Marble. Ca. 50 CE. Inv. No. 1870,0320.201. London, British Museum. | |
44. SCULPTURE. Rome. Bust of a young man. Marble. 80—90s CE. Inv. No. 1886,0322.1. London, British Museum. | |
45. GLYPTICS. Rome. A Roman bust of a military man. Bone. Ca. 235—250 CE. Inv. No. 1898,0715.2. London, British Museum. | |
46. SCULPTURE. Rome. Cicero. Detail. Marble. 1st century BCE. Mantua, Ducal Palace. | |
47. SCULPTURE. Rome. Cicero. Marble. 1st century BCE. Mantua, Ducal Palace. | |
48. SCULPTURE. Rome. Cicero. Head: Italian marble — 2nd cent. CE. Bust: Italian marble — 16th cent. CE. Inv. No. 6765. Mantua, Ducal Palace. | |
49. SCULPTURE. Rome. Cicero. Head: Italian marble — 2nd cent. CE. Bust: Italian marble — 16th cent. CE. Inv. No. 6765. Mantua, Ducal Palace. | |
50. SCULPTURE. Rome. Cicero. Head: Italian marble — 2nd cent. CE. Bust: Italian marble — 16th cent. CE. Inv. No. 6765. Mantua, Ducal Palace. | |
51. SCULPTURE. Rome. So-called head of August. Head: white medium-grained marble — 1st cent. BCE.; bust: plaster, gilded plaster — 1497/98—1511 CE. Mantua, Francesco Gonzaga Diocesan Museum. | |
52. SCULPTURE. Rome. So-called head of August. Head: white medium-grained marble — 1st cent. BCE.; bust: plaster, gilded plaster — 1497/98—1511 CE. Mantua, Francesco Gonzaga Diocesan Museum. | |
53. SCULPTURE. Rome. Head of a bearded man from Kerch. Marble. 98—117 CE. Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. | |
54. SCULPTURE. Rome. Head of a Libyan boy. Marble. Flavian time. Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. | |
55. SCULPTURE. Rome. Head of a man. Marble. 160s CE. Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. | |
56. SCULPTURE. Greece. Head of a young man. Marble. Early 1st century. Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. | |
57. SCULPTURE. Rome. Head of a young man. Marble. Early 1st century. Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. | |
58. SCULPTURE. Rome. Portrait of an youth (the so-called “Lange youth”). Marble. Early 1st cent. CE. Inv. No. II 1a 1047. Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. | |
59. SCULPTURE. Rome. Portrait of an youth (the so-called “Lange youth”). Marble. Early 1st cent. CE. Inv. No. II 1a 1047. Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. | |
60. SCULPTURE. Rome. Portrait of an youth (the so-called “Lange youth”). Marble. Early 1st cent. CE. Inv. No. II 1a 1047. Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. | |