3141. SCULPTURE. Rome.
A person from the circle of Julius Caesar (Gaius Calvisius Sabinus?).
Marble. Late 1st century BCE.
Spoleto, Civic Archaeological Museum.
3142. SCULPTURE. Rome.
A fragment of the head of Caligula.
Fine white marble.
Ca. 38 CE.
Inv. No. 6383.
Syracuse, Regional Archaeological Museum “Paolo Orsi”.
3143. SCULPTURE. Rome.
A fragment of the head of Caligula.
Fine white marble.
Ca. 38 CE.
Inv. No. 6383.
Syracuse, Regional Archaeological Museum “Paolo Orsi”.
3144. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Bust of the emperor Nerva.
White marble.
96—98 CE.
Inv. No. 37100.
Syracuse, Regional Archaeological Museum “Paolo Orsi”.
3145. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Bust of the emperor Nerva.
White marble.
96—98 CE.
Inv. No. 37100.
Syracuse, Regional Archaeological Museum “Paolo Orsi”.
3146. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Head of Augustus.
27 BCE — 14 CE.
Inv. No. 50698.
Syracuse, Regional Archaeological Museum “Paolo Orsi”.
3147. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Gaius Iulius Caesar (?), emperor Claudius (?)
Local island marble.
Inv. No. 105.
Thasos, Archaeological Museum.
3148. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Gaius Iulius Caesar (?), emperor Claudius (?). Profile.
Local island marble.
Height 0,37 m.
Inv. No. 105.
Thasos, Archaeological Museum.
3149. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Gaius Julius Caesar?
Total height 0,40 m. Height of the head 0,225 m.
Thera, Archaeological Museum.
3150. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Bust of Aelius Nikopolianus.
200—250 CE.
Thessaloniki, Archaeological Museum.
3151. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Head of a woman.
End 2nd — early 1st cent. BCE.
Reworked into portrait of Livia after 42 CE.
Thessaloniki, Archaeological Museum.
3152. SCULPTURE. Greece.
14—37 CE.
Thessaloniki, Archaeological Museum.
3153. SCULPTURE. Greece.
14—37 CE.
Thessaloniki, Archaeological Museum.
3154. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Augustus (close-up).
14—37 CE.
Thessaloniki, Archaeological Museum.
3155. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Septimius Severus.
Northern Greece workshop. 196-200 CE.
Thessaloniki, Archaeological Museum.
3156. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Septimius Severus.
Northern Greece workshop. 196-200 CE.
Thessaloniki, Archaeological Museum.
3157. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Marble. 69—98 CE.
Northern Greek workshop.
Thessaloniki, Archaeological Museum.
3158. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Marble. 69—98 CE.
Northern Greek workshop.
Thessaloniki, Archaeological Museum.
3159. SCULPTURE. Greece.
The arch from Galerius’ palace in Thessaloniki (known as “The Small Arch of Galerius”).
One piece of marble. Early 4th cent. CE.
Thessaloniki, Archaeological Museum.
3160. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Portrait of Augusta Galeria Valeria, the wife of Galerius, in tondo.
The arch from Galerius’ palace in Thessaloniki (known as “The Small Arch of Galerius”).
One piece of marble. Early 4th cent. CE.
Thessaloniki, Archaeological Museum.