

Inscription recording Augustus’ restoration of the temples of Artemis and Augustus at Ephesus.
Plaster cast.
5 BCE.
CIL III 6070 = CIL III 7118 = IEphes. 1522 = McCabe. Ephesos. 374 = ILS 97.
Inv. No. MCR 276.
Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization.
2962. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with a scene of a boar hunting.
Marble. Beginning of the 4th cent. CE.
Inv. No. SBAO 36231.
Ostia, Archaeological Museum.
2963. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Nine Muses, Athena and Apollo.
Frontal view of a sarcophagus with lid.
White Thasos marble.
Mid-2nd cent. CE.
Inv. Nos. SBAO 59954 / 59955.
Ostia, Archaeological Museum.
2964. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Front panel of a sarcophagus with representation of Centauromachy.
Proconnesian marble. Ca. 150 CE.
Inv. No. SBAO 16651.
Ostia, Archaeological Museum.
2965. MILITARY ART. Rome.
Scale model (1:30) of the causeway that Julius Caesar had his troops build with bundles of branches through the marshes at Breuil-le-Sec (Oise).
51 BCE.
Inv. No. MCR 182.
Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization.
2966. MILITARY ART. Rome.
Scale model (1:30) of the causeway that Julius Caesar had his troops build with bundles of branches through the marshes at Breuil-le-Sec (Oise).
51 BCE.
Inv. No. MCR 182.
Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization.
2967. MILITARY ART. Rome.
Scale model (1:35) of the siege of Alesia.
52 BCE.
Inv. No. MCR 195.
Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization.
2968. MILITARY ART. Rome.
Scale model (1:35) of the siege of Alesia.
52 BCE.
Inv. No. MCR 195.
Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization.
2969. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Antonia Minor (close-up).
Marble. Late 1st cent. BCE — early 1st cent. CE.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian, Chiostro piccolo della Certosa.
2970. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Antonia Minor.
Marble. Late 1st cent. BCE — early 1st cent. CE.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian, Chiostro piccolo della Certosa.
2971. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Antonia Minor.
Marble. Late 1st cent. BCE — early 1st cent. CE.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian, Chiostro piccolo della Certosa.
2972. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Antonia Minor.
Marble. Late 1st cent. BCE — early 1st cent. CE.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian, Chiostro piccolo della Certosa.
2973. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Antonia Minor.
Marble. 37—54 CE.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian, Chiostro piccolo della Certosa.
2974. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Antonia Minor.
Marble. 37—54 CE.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian, Chiostro piccolo della Certosa.
2975. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Torso of an athlet (so-called “Torso Valentini”).
Marble. A roman copy of ca. 100 CE after a Greek bronze model od mid-5th cent. BCE.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme.
2976. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Torso of an athlet (so-called “Torso Valentini”).
Marble. A roman copy of ca. 100 CE after a Greek bronze model od mid-5th cent. BCE.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme.
2977. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Torso of an athlet (so-called “Torso Valentini”).
Marble. A roman copy of ca. 100 CE after a Greek bronze model od mid-5th cent. BCE.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme.
2978. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Augustus (free imitation of the Prima Porta type).
Pentelic marble.
Ca 20 CE.
Inv. No. 3758.
Athens, National Archaeological Museum.
2979. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Augustus (free imitation of the Prima Porta type).
Pentelic marble.
Ca 20 CE.
Inv. No. 3758.
Athens, National Archaeological Museum.
2980. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Pentelic marble.
Rome, 37-41 CE.
Inv. No. 3590 a.
Athens, National Archaeological Museum.