

1521. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Torso of a young satyr resting (Satyrus anapauomenos).
White (Pentelic?) marble.
Late Hellenistic copy (2nd—1st cent. BCE) after a Praxiteles’ model (375—335 BCE).
Inv. No. 33377.
Syracuse, Regional Archaeological Museum “Paolo Orsi”.
1522. SCULPTURE. Southern Italy.
Sarcophagus with portraits of the spouses in a shell and scenes of the Old and the New Testament (The sarcophagus of Adelfia).
Second quarter of the 4th cent. CE.
CIL X 7123.
Syracuse, Regional Archaeological Museum “Paolo Orsi”.
1523. SCULPTURE. Southern Italy.
Sarcophagus with portraits of the spouses in a shell and scenes of the Old and the New Testament (The sarcophagus of Adelfia).
Second quarter of the 4th cent. CE.
CIL X 7123.
Syracuse, Regional Archaeological Museum “Paolo Orsi”.
1524. CERAMICS. Magna Graecia.
Red figure krater used as an ossuary urn.
380—370 BCE.
Inv. No. 36332.
Syracuse, Regional Archaeological Museum “Paolo Orsi”.
1525. CERAMICS. Pre-Roman Italy.
Adult cremation. Krater used as an ossuary urn.
425 BCE.
Inv. No. 46.
Syracuse, Regional Archaeological Museum “Paolo Orsi”.
Inscription of Lucius Volusius Saturninus commemorating a gift from emperor Tiberius.
Plaster cast.
Original: 34—35 CE.
CIL III 14322.
Inv. No. MCR 308.
Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization.
1527. SCULPTURE. Northern Africa.
Upper part of a statue of Livia, wife of Augustus, shown as a goddess, with diadem and sacred band. Detail.
Plaster cast.
Original: 45—46 CE.
Inv. No. MCR 305.
Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization.
1528. SCULPTURE. Northern Africa.
Upper part of a statue of Livia, wife of Augustus, shown as a goddess, with diadem and sacred band.
Plaster cast of a marble statue.
Original: 45—46 CE.
Inv. No. MCR 305.
Rome, Museum of Roman Civilization.
1529. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Aphrodite (so-called “Aphrodite in the Gardens” or “Venus of Pavlovsk”).
Roman work of the 1st century after a Greek models of the late 5th century.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
1530. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Aphrodite (so-called “Aphrodite in the Gardens” or “Venus of Pavlovsk”).
Roman work of the 1st century after a Greek models of the late 5th century.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.
1531. SCULPTURE. Asia.
Pugilist (so-called “Pugilist from Sorrento”).
By sculptor Koblanos of Aphrodisias.
Aphrodisias marble.
1st cent. CE.
Inv. No. 119917.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1532. SCULPTURE. Asia.
Pugilist (so-called “Pugilist from Sorrento”).
By sculptor Koblanos of Aphrodisias.
Aphrodisias marble.
1st cent. CE.
Inv. No. 119917.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1533. SCULPTURE. Asia.
Pugilist (so-called “Pugilist from Sorrento”).
By sculptor Koblanos of Aphrodisias.
Aphrodisias marble.
1st cent. CE.
Inv. No. 119917.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1534. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Herm of Herodotus.
Greek marble.
Greek copy dated to the 2nd cent. CE of a posthumous portrait of the first half of the 4th cent. BCE.
Inv. No. 124478.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme.
1535. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Herm of Herodotus.
Greek marble.
Greek copy dated to the 2nd cent. CE of a posthumous portrait of the first half of the 4th cent. BCE.
Inv. No. 124478.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme.
The Allia Potestas epitaph.
End of the 2nd — early 3d cent. CE.
CIL VI 37965.
Inv. No. 58694.
Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian.
1537. SCULPTURE. Rome.
The inscription on the back of the base of the Column of Antoninus Pius.
White Italian marble.
161 CE.
Bronze letters is modern.
CIL VI 1004.
Inv. No. 5115.
Rome, Vatican Museums, Cortile delle Corazze.
Architectural composition.
Fresco from Herculaneum.
20 BCE — 37 CE.
Inv. No. 8534.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum, Hall LXVIII.
Zeus and Cupid.
Fresco from Herculaneum.
1—37 CE.
Inv. No. 9553.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum, Hall LXVIII.
Maritime landscape with boats.
Fresco of the Third style from Pompeii.
1—37 CE.
Inv. No. 9482.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum, Hall LXXIV.