Headstone of gladiator Myron.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
197. Myron (arbelas).
Herkunft unbekannt, heute im Louvre (Inv.-Nr. MA 154).
Robert 1940, Nr. 299 [Taf. 14]; Carter 1999, Nr. 467; CIG 6971; Pfuhl — Möbius 1979, Nr. 1260 [Taf. 187]; Carter 2001a, 113 [Abb. 2].
Stele aus weißem Marmor, links oben gebrochen; 62 × 35 × 8 cm; 2./3. Jh.
Gladiator in Bildfeld nach rechts; er hält in der rechten Hand einen Dolch, in der linken die Waffe des arbelas mit halbrunder Klinge; er trägt einen Schuppenpanzer, der Kopf ist von einem Kugelhelm umschlossen; auf den seitlichen Rändern vier Kränze und zwei Palmzweige.
Inschrift unter dem Bildfeld.
For the gladiator scissor, see CIL 9.466, 26-7 = ILS 5083a = EAOR 3.68 = 1.4 (album of a gladiatorial familia from Venusia). A possible scissor is shown in the relief of the heavily armored gladiator Myron, of unknown provenance and now in the Louvre, whose left arm is covered in a device that ends in a crescent-shaped blade, clearly a very specialized piece of equipment. Robert (Gladiateurs, 235-6 (no. 299]), comparing this scene with a relief from Tomis that shows the same piece of equipment discarded on the sand, reasonably suggests that it was designed to slice through a retiarius’ net (the adversary in the Tomis relief is a retiarius). But it has recently been argued — on the basis of a relief from Satala in Lydia, two reliefs and accompanying inscriptions from Hierapolis in Phrygia, and a comment in Artemidorus (2.32) — that such gladiators were termed arbelai (after a semi-circular cobbler’s knife), at least in the Greek East; and the Hierapolis reliefs show them fighting each other, not retiarii; see M. Carter, “Artemidorus and the Arbelas Gladiator,” ZPE134 (2001), 109-15; Ritti and Yilmaz, Gladiatori e venationes, 469—
Photo from: L. Robert, Les gladiateurs dans l’Orient grec (Paris 1940) 235 f. Nr. 299 Taf. XIV.
© 2011. Text of description (1): Chr. Mann, “Um keinen Kranz, um das Leben kämpfen wir!”: Gladiatoren im Osten des römischen Reiches und die Frage der Romanisierung. Göttingen, 2011. P. 271, cat. no. 197.
© 2011. Additional information (museum, provenance, description (2)): Garrett G. Fagan. The Lure of the Arena: Social Psychology and the Crowd at the Roman Games. Cambridge, 2011. P. 217, note 85.