Photographer: Ilya Shurygin (3663 photo)
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2141. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Capital of the first column of the Northern colonnade.
Marble. Severan age.
Rome, Basilica of Saint Lawrence outside the Walls, basilica of Pelagius II.
2142. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Ionic capital with carved images of a lizard and a frog in volutes.
Rome, Basilica of Saint Lawrence outside the Walls, basilica of Honorius III.
2143. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with vintage scenes (vindemialia).
Front relief. Marble.
5th century CE.
Rome, Basilica of Saint Lawrence outside the Walls, portic.
2144. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with vintage scenes (vindemialia).
Marble. Right short side.
5th century CE.
Rome, Basilica of Saint Lawrence outside the Walls, portic.
2145. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with vintage scenes (vindemialia).
Marble. Left short side.
5th century CE.
Rome, Basilica of Saint Lawrence outside the Walls, portic.
2146. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Capital of the first column of the Northern colonnade.
Marble. Severan age.
Rome, Basilica of Saint Lawrence outside the Walls, basilica of Pelagius II.
2147. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Hercules kills the Nemean lion. Frontal relief of a sarcophagus.
Marble. Greece, 5th cent. BCE.
Rome, Basilica of Saint Mary Above Minerva.
2148. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Hercules kills the Nemean lion (detail). Frontal relief of a sarcophagus.
Marble. Greece, 5th cent. BCE.
Rome, Basilica of Saint Mary Above Minerva.
Agricultural calendar.
Fresco. Late 3rd century CE.
Rome, Basilica of Saint Mary Major, excavations.
Graffiti on a wall of an ancient market (Macellum Liviae?) under the basilica Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome.
4th century CE.
Rome, Basilica of Saint Mary Major, excavations.
Graffiti palindrome SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS on а wall of an ancient market (Macellum Liviae?) uncovered under the basilica Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome.
4th century CE.
Rome, Basilica of Saint Mary Major, excavations.
2152. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus of the Muses (known as the sarcophagus of pope Anacletus II) with a lid from a different sarcophagus .
Marble. The 3rd — beginning of the 4th cent. CE.
Rome, Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls, cloister.
2153. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Inscription of a sarcophagus of the Muses (known as the sarcophagus of pope Anacletus II).
Marble. The 3rd — beginning of the 4th cent. CE.
Rome, Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls, cloister.
2154. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Apollo playing cither (sarcophagus of pope Anacletus II).
Marble. The 3rd — beginning of the 4th cent. CE.
Rome, Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls, cloister.
2155. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Marsyas receiving Apollo’s punishment (sarcophagus of pope Anacletus II).
Marble. The 3rd — beginning of the 4th cent. CE.
Rome, Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls, cloister.
2156. MOSAIC. Rome.
A fragment of mosaic floor.
212—216 CE.
Rome, Baths of Caracalla.
2157. MOSAIC. Rome.
A fragment of mosaic floor.
212—216 CE.
Rome, Baths of Caracalla.
2158. MOSAIC. Rome.
A fragment of mosaic floor.
212—216 CE.
Rome, Baths of Caracalla.
2159. MOSAIC. Rome.
A fragment of mosaic floor.
212—216 CE.
Rome, Baths of Caracalla.
2160. MOSAIC. Rome.
A fragment of mosaic floor.
212—216 CE.
Rome, Baths of Caracalla.
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