Photographer: Ilya Shurygin (3663 photo)
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2201. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Donation of food to Roman children. Detail. Relief panel from the so-called the Arch of Portugal on via Lata.
Marble. 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. S 832.
Rome, Capitoline Museums.
The base of a statue of Manius Poblicius Hilarus.
Luna marble. Mid-2nd cent. CE.
CIL VI 30973 b.
Inv. No. NCE 3009.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Antiquarium on the Caelian Hill.
2203. SCULPTURE. Rome.
A hall of the museum.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum.
2204. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Relief with canephorus.
Luni marble. 1st—2nd centuries.
Inv. No. 1881.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum.
2205. SCULPTURE. Rome.
The relief representing banqueting vestals.
Luni marble. 1st—2nd centuries.
Inv. No. 2391.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum.
2206. MOSAIC. Rome.
Mosaic with Seascape.
Late 2nd — early 1st cent. BCE.
Inv. No. 32359.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum.
2207. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Statue of Aphrodite.
Pentelic marble. Roman copy of a statue by Kallimachos of the 5th cent. BCE.
Inv. No. S 1078.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum.
2208. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Statue of Dionysus.
Pentelic marble.
Roman copy of 1st—2nd cent. CE of an Hellenistic work.
Inv. No. S 1132.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum.
2209. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Statue of Dionysus.
Pentelic marble.
Roman copy of 1st—2nd cent. CE of an Hellenistic work.
Inv. No. S 1132.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum.
2210. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Statue of Dionysus.
Pentelic marble.
Roman copy of 1st—2nd cent. CE of an Hellenistic work.
Inv. No. S 1132.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum.
2211. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Curvilinear funerary relief.
Luna marble.
First decades of the Imperial age.
Inv. No. S 2306.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum.
2212. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Fragment of a sarcophagus with episodes of life of the deceased.
Parian marble. Mid 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. S 2783.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum.
2213. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Fragment of a sarcophagus with episodes of life of the deceased (close-up).
Parian marble. Mid 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. S 2783.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum.
2214. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Headstone of a married couple from Via Statilia.
Second quarter of the 1st century BCE.
Inv. No. S 2142.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum, I. 43.
2215. SCULPTURE. Rome.
The so-called portrait of Corbulo.
Parian marble. 1st cent. BCE.
Inv. No. S 561.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum, I. 55.
2216. SCULPTURE. Rome.
The so-called portrait of Corbulo.
Parian marble. 1st cent. BCE.
Inv. No. S 561.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum, I. 55.
2217. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Head of Julius Caesar.
Greek insular marble.
50—44 BCE.
Inv. No. S 2638.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum, I. 60.
2218. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Head of Julius Caesar.
Greek insular marble.
50—44 BCE.
Inv. No. S 2638.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum, I. 60.
2219. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Head of Aristogeiton (fragment of a statuary group of the Tyrannicides).
Luna marble.
Roman copy after a Kritios and Nesiotes model of 475—465 BCE.
Inv. No. S 2312.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum, II. 23.
2220. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Head of Aristogeiton (fragment of a statuary group of the Tyrannicides).
Luna marble.
Roman copy after a Kritios and Nesiotes model of 475—465 BCE.
Inv. No. S 2312.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum, II. 23.
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