Photographer: Ilya Shurygin (3663 photo)
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2401. SCULPTURE. Rome.
White marble.
Age of August.
Inv. No. 66.
Rome, Galleria Colonna.
2402. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait of unknown man.
White marble.
40—30 BCE.
Inv. No. 115.
Rome, Galleria Colonna.
2403. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait of unknown man.
White marble.
40—30 BCE.
Inv. No. 115.
Rome, Galleria Colonna.
2404. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait of unknown man.
White marble.
40—30 BCE.
Inv. No. 115.
Rome, Galleria Colonna.
2405. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait of unknown man.
White marble.
40—30 BCE.
Inv. No. 115.
Rome, Galleria Colonna.
2406. MOSAIC. Rome.
Mosaic decoration of the vault in the circular ambulatory.
Mid-4th century CE.
Rome, Mausoleum of Constantina Augusta (Church of S. Constantia).
2407. MOSAIC. Rome.
Mosaic decoration of the vault in the circular ambulatory.
Mid-4th century CE.
Rome, Mausoleum of Constantina Augusta (Church of S. Constantia).
2408. MOSAIC. Rome.
Mosaic decoration of the vault in the circular ambulatory.
Mid-4th century CE.
Rome, Mausoleum of Constantina Augusta (Church of S. Constantia).
2409. MOSAIC. Rome.
Mosaic decoration of the vault in the circular ambulatory (close-up).
Mid-4th century CE.
Rome, Mausoleum of Constantina Augusta (Church of S. Constantia).
2410. MOSAIC. Rome.
Mosaic decoration of the vault in the circular ambulatory (close-up).
Mid-4th century CE.
Rome, Mausoleum of Constantina Augusta (Church of S. Constantia).
2411. MOSAIC. Rome.
Mosaic decoration of the vault in the circular ambulatory (close-up).
Mid-4th century CE.
Rome, Mausoleum of Constantina Augusta (Church of S. Constantia).
2412. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Cicero (presumably).
Rome, Mausoleum of Hadrian (Castle of the Holy Angel).
2413. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Cicero (presumably).
Rome, Mausoleum of Hadrian (Castle of the Holy Angel).
2414. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Cicero (presumably).
Rome, Mausoleum of Hadrian (Castle of the Holy Angel).
Funeral inscription of freedmen Quintus Curtius Antiochus and Maecilia Areta.
1—200 CE.
BCAR. 1915. 228.
Rome, Municipal Antiquarium on the Caelian Hill.
Funeral inscription of gladiator-mirmillo Paratus.
1—100 CE.
EAOR. 1. 76 = AE. 1989. 74.
Rome, Municipal Antiquarium on the Caelian Hill.
2417. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Aphrodite (the Capitoline type).
Luna marble. Roman copy of the 2nd century CE after a Greek original.
Inv. No. 100.
Rome, Museum and Gallery of Villa Borghese.
2418. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Aphrodite of Cnidos.
Island marble.
Roman copy of the early 2nd century CE after a Greek statue of 4th—3rd cent. BCE.
Inv. No. 108.
Rome, Museum and Gallery of Villa Borghese.
2419. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait of the young Titus.
Italic marble.
Head of Roman work, ca. 70 CE on modern bust.
Inv. No. 171.
Rome, Museum and Gallery of Villa Borghese.
2420. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Luna marble. 1st century CE.
Inv. No. 230.
Rome, Museum and Gallery of Villa Borghese.
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