Photographer: Ilya Shurygin (3663 photo)
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2481. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa.
South procession (close-up).
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
2482. SCULPTURE. Rome.
South procession (close-up).
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
2483. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Flamen Dialis.
South procession (close-up).
Rome, Museum of the Altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
2484. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Mater Matuta.
Tufa. 6th—2nd cent. BCE.
Rome, National Etruscan Museum of Villa Julia.
2485. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Mater Matuta.
Tufa. 6th—2nd cent. BCE.
Rome, National Etruscan Museum of Villa Julia.
2486. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Mater Matuta.
Tufa. 6th—2nd cent. BCE.
Rome, National Etruscan Museum of Villa Julia.
2487. SCULPTURE. Etruria.
Cinerary urn with a scene of the sacrifice of Iphigenia.
Travertine. 2nd—1st centuries BCE.
Inv. No. 50312.
Rome, National Etruscan Museum of Villa Julia.
Funerary inscription of a lictor.
CIL VI 1910.
Travertine. 1st—2nd cent. CE.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art in Palazzo Barberini.
2489. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with Eroses holding a portrait medallion of the deceased.
Marble. Beginning of the 3rd cent. CE.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
2490. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus with Eroses holding a portrait medallion of the deceased: front relief.
Marble. Beginning of the 3rd cent. CE.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
2491. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Relief “The Labours of Hercules” (front panel of a sarcophagus).
Marble. 2nd—3rd cent. CE.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
2492. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Combat of Hercules with the Lernaean Hydra (a close-up of sarcophagus relief “The Labours of Hercules”).
Marble. 2nd—3rd cent. CE.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
2493. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Hercules wins the battle with the king Diomedes (a close-up of sarcophagus relief “The Labours of Hercules”).
Marble. 2nd—3rd cent. CE.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
2494. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Young Commodus.
Marble. 175—177 CE.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
2495. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Young Commodus (close up).
Marble. 175—177 CE.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
2496. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Marble. 1st—2nd cent. CE.
Ancient head on a modern bust.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
2497. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Marble. 1st—2nd cent. CE.
Ancient head on a modern bust.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
2498. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Marble. 1st—2nd cent. CE.
Ancient head on a modern bust.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
2499. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Satyr with cymbals and kroupezion.
Roman copy after a Greek marble or bronze model of the 1st century BCE.
Inv. No. 710.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
2500. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Satyr with cymbals and kroupezion.
Roman copy after a Greek marble or bronze model of the 1st century BCE.
Inv. No. 710.
Rome, National Gallery of Ancient Art of Corsini Palace.
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