Photographer: Ilya Shurygin (3651 photo)
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3281. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Portrait head of Claudius capite velato.
Marble. 41—54 CE.
Inv. No. 10812.
Sparta, Archaeological Museum.
3282. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Fragment of a sarcophagus with a Dionysiac scenes (Satyr and a panther).
Marble. 2nd cent. C.E.
Inv. No. 10814.
Sparta, Archaeological Museum.
3283. SCULPTURE. Rome.
A head of a member of Julio-Claudian dynasty.
Marble. First half of the 1st cent. CE.
Spoleto, Civic Archaeological Museum.
3284. INSTRUMENTS. Rome.
A pipe (fistula) of water supply system with a trademark of manufacturer.
Spoleto, Civic Archaeological Museum.
3285. SCULPTURE. Rome.
August. The Béziers-Spolète type.
End of the 1st century BCE.
Spoleto, Civic Archaeological Museum.
3286. SCULPTURE. Rome.
A person from the circle of Julius Caesar (Gaius Calvisius Sabinus?).
Marble. Late 1st century BCE.
Spoleto, Civic Archaeological Museum.
3287. SCULPTURE. Rome.
A person from the circle of Julius Caesar (Gaius Calvisius Sabinus?).
Marble. Late 1st century BCE.
Spoleto, Civic Archaeological Museum.
Boundary stone with the Law of the Sacred Grove (cippus A) — frontal surface
Limestone. Second half of the 3rd centuy BCE.
CIL XI, 4766.
Spoleto, Civic Archaeological Museum.
Boundary stone with the Law of the Sacred Grove (cippus B) — rear surface.
Limestone. Second half of the 3rd centuy BCE.
CIL XII, nota al 366.
Spoleto, Civic Archaeological Museum.
3290. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Frontal panel of a sarcophagus with scenes of lions hunting.
Marble. 220—270 CE.
Spoleto, Piazza del Duomo.
3291. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Frontal panel of a sarcophagus with scenes of lions hunting. The left scene.
Marble. 220—270 CE.
Spoleto, Piazza del Duomo.
3292. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Frontal panel of a sarcophagus with scenes of lions hunting. The central scene.
Marble. 220—270 CE.
Spoleto, Piazza del Duomo.
3293. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Frontal panel of a sarcophagus with scenes of lions hunting. The right scene.
Marble. 220—270 CE.
Spoleto, Piazza del Duomo.
Altar of Hieron II (Altar of Zeus, The Great Altar of Syracuse)
3nd cent. BCE, rule of the king Hieron II.
195.8 m long, 20.85 m wide.
Syracuse, Archaeoliogical park Neapolis, Roman amphitheatre of Syracuse.
Roman amphitheatre of Syracuse
1st cent. CE
Syracuse, Archaeoliogical park Neapolis, Roman amphitheatre of Syracuse.
Roman amphitheatre of Syracuse
1st cent. CE
Syracuse, Archaeoliogical park Neapolis, Roman amphitheatre of Syracuse.
3297. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
Colossal head of Asclepius.
1st cent. BCE.
Syracuse, Regional Archaeological Museum “Paolo Orsi”.
3298. SCULPTURE. Southern Italy.
Sarcophagus with portraits of the spouses in a shell and scenes of the Old and the New Testament (The sarcophagus of Adelfia).
Second quarter of the 4th cent. CE.
CIL X 7123.
Syracuse, Regional Archaeological Museum “Paolo Orsi”.
3299. SCULPTURE. Southern Italy.
Sarcophagus with portraits of the spouses in a shell and scenes of the Old and the New Testament (The sarcophagus of Adelfia).
Second quarter of the 4th cent. CE.
CIL X 7123.
Syracuse, Regional Archaeological Museum “Paolo Orsi”.
3300. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
Statue of Priapus.
Second half of 3rd cent. BCE.
Syracuse, Regional Archaeological Museum “Paolo Orsi”.
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