Photographer: Ilya Shurygin (3663 photo)
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421. SCULPTURE. Rome.
A torso in armour.
125—150 CE.
Inv. No. S-1081.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
422. SCULPTURE. Rome.
A torso in armor.
125—150 CE.
Inv. No. S-1081.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
423. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait head of the emperor Nero.
Marble. Ca. 60 CE.
Inv. No. S-1088.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
424. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait head of the emperor Nero.
Marble. Ca. 60 CE.
Inv. No. S-1088.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
425. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait head of the emperor Nero.
Marble. Ca. 60 CE.
Inv. No. S-1088.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
426. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Statue of the emperor Augustus.
Marble. Neo-Attic work. 27 BCE—14 CE.
Inv. No. S-1116.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
427. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Statue of the emperor August (close-up).
Marble. 27 BCE—14 CE.
Inv. No. S-1116.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
428. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Statue of the emperor August (close-up).
Marble. 27 BCE—14 CE.
Inv. No. S-1116.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
429. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Statue of the emperor August (close-up).
Marble. 27 BCE—14 CE.
Inv. No. S-1116.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
430. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Statue of the emperor August (close-up).
Marble. 27 BCE—14 CE.
Inv. No. S-1116.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
431. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Marble. 211—217 CE.
Inv. No. S-1470.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
432. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Marble. 211—217 CE.
Inv. No. S-1470.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
433. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Head of youth.
Fine-grained white marble. 1st—2nd century CE.
Inv. No. S 1539.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
434. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Head of youth.
Fine-grained white marble. 1st—2nd century CE.
Inv. No. S 1539.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
435. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Head of youth.
Fine-grained white marble. 1st—2nd century CE.
Inv. No. S 1539.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
436. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Head of youth (close-up).
Fine-grained white marble. 1st—2nd century CE.
Inv. No. S 1539.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
437. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Head of Dionysos.
Marble. 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. S 1669.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
438. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Head of Dionysos.
Marble. 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. S 1669.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
439. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Gaius Julius Caesar (?).
Marble. First quarter of the 1st century CE.
Inv. No. S 2771.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
440. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Gaius Julius Caesar (?).
Marble. First quarter of the 1st century CE.
Inv. No. S 2771.
Corinth, Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth.
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