Photographer: Ilya Shurygin (3663 photo)
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1021. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Philetairos of Pergamon.
1st cent. CE.
Inv. No. 6148.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1022. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Herm of the Spartan king Archidamos II (468—427 BCE).
Inv. No. 6156.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1023. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Lucius Junius Brutus (presumably).
White marble. 98—117 (or 100—124) CE.
Inv. No. 6178.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1024. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Lucius Junius Brutus (presumably).
White marble. 98—117 (or 100—124) CE.
Inv. No. 6178.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1025. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Marcus Junius Brutus (presumably).
White marble.
Second half of the 1st cent. BCE.
Inv. No. 6181.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1026. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Equestrian statue of Marcus Nonius Balbus.
Marble. Second half of the 1st century BCE. Head is a 18th century work.
Inv. No. 6211.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1027. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Equestrian statue of Marcus Nonius Balbus (close up).
Marble. Second half of the 1st century BCE. Head is a 18th century work.
Inv. No. 6211.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1028. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Equestrian statue of Marcus Nonius Balbus.
Marble. Second half of the 1st century BCE. Head is a 18th century work.
Inv. No. 6211.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1029. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Equestrian statue of Marcus Nonius Balbus (close-up).
Marble. Second half of the 1st century BCE. Head is a 18th century work.
Inv. No. 6211.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1030. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Equestrian statue of Marcus Nonius Balbus (close-up).
Marble. Second half of the 1st century BCE.
Inv. No. 6211.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1031. SCULPTURE. Rome.
White marble.
Roman copy of the 2nd half of 2nd cent. CE of a Greek original of the 4th cent. BCE created by Scopas.
Inv. No. 6253.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1032. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Pothos (close-up).
White marble.
Roman copy of the 2nd half of 2nd cent. CE of a Greek original of the 4th cent. BCE created by Scopas.
Inv. No. 6253.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1033. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Artemis of Ephesus.
Alabaster, bronze.
Second half of the 2nd century CE.
Head, hands, and feet restored in bronze by Valadier (1762—1839); restoration in alabaster by Albacicni (1734—1813).
Inv. No. 6278.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1034. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Artemis of Ephesus.
Alabaster, bronze.
Second half of the 2nd century CE.
Head, hands, and feet restored in bronze by Valadier (1762—1839); restoration in alabaster by Albacicni (1734—1813).
Inv. No. 6278.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1035. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Artemis of Ephesus.
Alabaster, bronze.
Second half of the 2nd century CE.
Head, hands, and feet restored in bronze by Valadier (1762—1839); restoration in alabaster by Albacicni (1734—1813).
Inv. No. 6278.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1036. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Artemis of Ephesus.
Alabaster, bronze.
Second half of the 2nd century CE.
Head, hands, and feet restored in bronze by Valadier (1762—1839); restoration in alabaster by Albacicni (1734—1813).
Inv. No. 6278.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1037. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Artemis of Ephesus.
Alabaster, bronze.
Second half of the 2nd century CE.
Head, hands, and feet restored in bronze by Valadier (1762—1839); restoration in alabaster by Albacicni (1734—1813).
Inv. No. 6278.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1038. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Artemis of Ephesus.
Alabaster, bronze.
Second half of the 2nd century CE.
Head, hands, and feet restored in bronze by Valadier (1762—1839); restoration in alabaster by Albacicni (1734—1813).
Inv. No. 6278.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1039. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Aphrodite (Capitoline or Dresden-Capitoline type).
Marble. Roman work of the second half of the 2nd century CE after a Greek model of the 3rd—2nd century BCE.
Inv. No. 6283.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
1040. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Aphrodite (Capitoline or Dresden-Capitoline type).
Marble. Roman work of the second half of the 2nd century CE after a Greek model of the 3rd—2nd century BCE.
Inv. No. 6283.
Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
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