Photographer: Ilya Shurygin (3663 photo)
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1401. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
Helen and Andromache with the infant Astyanax mourning the death of Hector.
Sandstone. Metope from the temple of Hera at the mouth of the river Sele.
Mid-6th century BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1402. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
Heracles and the Cercopes.
Sandstone. Metope from the temple of Hera at the mouth of the river Sele.
Mid-6th century BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1403. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
Heracles bringing the Erymanthian Boar to King Eurystheus.
Sandstone. Metope from the temple of Hera at the mouth of the river Sele.
Mid-6th century BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1404. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
Heracles kills Alcyoneus.
Sandstone. Metope from the temple of Hera at the mouth of the river Sele.
Mid-6th century BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1405. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
Laodamia keeps Clytemnestra hastening to the aid to Aegisthus and ready to kill the son Orestes.
Sandstone. Metope from the temple of Hera at the mouth of the river Sele.
Mid-6th century BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1406. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
Orestes kills Aegisthus.
Sandstone. Metope from the temple of Hera at the mouth of the river Sele.
Mid-6th century BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1407. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
Punishment of Sisyphus.
Sandstone. Metope from the temple of Hera at the mouth of the river Sele.
Mid-6th century BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1408. PAINTING, GRAPHICS. Magna Graecia.
Return of the warrior. Fresco from a Lucanian Tomb.
375—370 BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1409. PAINTING, GRAPHICS. Magna Graecia.
Scene of hunting for a deer. Fresco from a Lucanian Tomb.
370—360 BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1410. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
So-called Nereids.
Sandstone. Metope from the temple of Hera at the mouth of the river Sele.
Mid-6th century BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1411. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
So-called Nereids.
Sandstone. Metope from the temple of Hera at the mouth of the river Sele.
Mid-6th century BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1412. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
Struggle between Apollo and Heracles for the Delphian tripod.
Sandstone. Metope from the temple of Hera at the mouth of the river Sele.
Mid-6th century BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1413. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
The suicide of Ajax.
Sandstone. Metope from the temple of Hera at the mouth of the river Sele.
Mid-6th century BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1414. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
So-called Nereids.
Sandstone. Metope from the temple of Hera at the mouth of the river Sele.
Mid-6th century BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1415. PAINTING, GRAPHICS. Magna Graecia.
Fragment of scene of the symposium. The inside north wall of sarcophagus from Tomb of the Diver.
Fresco. Ca. 480 BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1416. PAINTING, GRAPHICS. Magna Graecia.
Fragment of scene of the symposium. The south inside wall of sarcophagus from Tomb of the Diver.
Fresco. Ca. 480 BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1417. PAINTING, GRAPHICS. Magna Graecia.
Diver. The inside wall of the lid of sarcophagus from Tomb of the Diver.
Fresco. Ca. 480 BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1418. PAINTING, GRAPHICS. Magna Graecia.
Wine-pourer at krater. Fragment of scene of the symposium. The east inside wall of sarcophagus from Tomb of the Diver.
Fresco. Ca. 480 BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1419. PAINTING, GRAPHICS. Magna Graecia.
A procession of komasts. Fragment of scene of the symposium. The west inside wall of sarcophagus from Tomb of the Diver.
Ca. 480 BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
1420. PAINTING, GRAPHICS. Magna Graecia.
Racing chariot. Fresco on the inside side of sarcophagus slab from a Lucanian Tomb.
Second half of the 4th century BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum.
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