The childhood of Romulus and Remus
Gregorio Lazzarini (1655—1730).
Oil on canvas. Early 1700s. 120 × 160 cm.
Inv. No. ГЭ 8436.Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum

The childhood of Romulus and Remus.

Gregorio Lazzarini (1655—1730).
Oil on canvas. Early 1700s. 120 × 160 cm.
Inv. No. ГЭ 8436.

Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum
(Санкт-Петербург, Государственный Эрмитаж).

Receipt: in 18th century was in the Palace of Peter III in Oranienbaum, then in the Hermitage; was sold from auction in 1854 and acquired again in 1932.
© Photo, text: Antichnoe nasledie v iskusstve Zapadnoi Evropy. Katalog vystavki. s. 60 cat. No. 53.
© 2004 — Gosudarstvennyi Ermitazh, Sankt-Peterburg.
© 2004 — AO “Slaviya”, Sankt-Peterburg.
© 2004 — OOO “Kompaniya “Bazovyi element”, Moskva.
Keywords: μοντέρνα ζωγραφική modern painting painter pittura moderna pittore malerei maler peinture moderne peintre oil on canvas by gregorio lazzarini the childhood of romulus and remus twins herder faustulus acca larentia inv no гэ 8436