Battle of Aias, Aeneas, Diomedes and Hippasus for the dead body of Patroclus
Red-figure cup. Attic.
By the Oltos Painter, by potter Euxitheus.
Clay. Ca. 510 BCE.
Diameter 38 cm.
Berlin, State Museums

Battle of Aias, Aeneas, Diomedes and Hippasus for the dead body of Patroclus.

Red-figure cup. Attic.
By the Oltos Painter, by potter Euxitheus.
Clay. Ca. 510 BCE.
Diameter 38 cm.

Berlin, State Museums
(Staatliche Museen zu Berlin).

From Vulci.
© Photo, text: G. R. Maier. Gosudarstvennye muzei Berlina. GDR. Albom.
Per. s nem. E. I. Larionovoi i E. I. Marchenko. M.: “Izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo”, 1983, kat. No. 56.
Photographer G. Murza.
Keywords: κεραμικά ceramics clay terracotta ceramica keramik céramique ελλάδα grecia graecia hellas greece griechenland grèce red-figure red-figured cup attic by the oltos painter potter euxitheus battle of aias aeneas diomedes and hippasus for dead body patroclus combat fight fighting bowl telamonian ajax eneas son tydeus hippasos patroclos trojan war guerra di troia round shield aspis helmet head-piece headpiece greave greaves chausses knemides ocrea spear sword sheath scabbard armour armor armatura palmette