Struggle of Heracles against the Nemean lion. Red-figure amphora. Attic
(Goddess Athene on the right; coachman Iolaus on the left.)By the Exekias Painter.
Clay. Ca. 550 BCE.
Height 40.5 cm. Berlin, State Museums
Struggle of Heracles against the Nemean lion. Red-figure amphora. Attic.
(Goddess Athene on the right; coachman Iolaus on the left.)
By the Exekias Painter.
Clay. Ca. 550 BCE.
Height 40.5 cm.
By the Exekias Painter.
Clay. Ca. 550 BCE.
Height 40.5 cm.
Berlin, State Museums
(Staatliche Museen zu Berlin).
From Vulci.
© Photo, text: G. R. Maier. Gosudarstvennye muzei Berlina. GDR. Albom.
Per. s nem. E. I. Larionovoi i E. I. Marchenko. M.: “Izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo”, 1983, kat. No. 55.
Photographer G. Murza.
Per. s nem. E. I. Larionovoi i E. I. Marchenko. M.: “Izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo”, 1983, kat. No. 55.
Photographer G. Murza.
Keywords: κεραμικά ceramics clay terracotta ceramica keramik céramique ελλάδα grecia graecia hellas greece griechenland grèce struggle against heracles struggling with the nemean lion first labour eracle alle prese con il leone di nemea in lotta herakles kämpft mit dem nemäischen löwen héraclès aux prises avec le de némée red-figure red-figured amphora attic by exekias painter goddess athene hercules ercole fight minerva athena iolaos iolaus execias palmette bud buds of lotus frieze from