The Gate of August (The Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates)
4—3 BCE. EphesusPhoto by Boris Vlchek

The Gate of August (The Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates).

4—3 BCE.


To the right of the library, the Gate of Augustus, also called the Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates, leads into the 110-metresquare commercial agora where food and craftwork items were sold. The monumental gate, dedicated to the honor of the Emperor Augustus, his wife and son-in-law, was apparently a favorite place for Roman ne’erdo-wells to relieve themselves, as an informal inscription curses “those who piss here”.
Keywords: αρχιτεκτονική architectura architecture architettura architektur the gate of august mazaeus and mithridates ephesus ephesos roman emperor octavian octavianus augustus ottaviano augusto