Married couple
Detail of the sarcophagus lid from Cerveteri (Caere).
Clay. Second half of the 6th century BCE.
Rome, National Etruscan Museum of Villa Julia

Married couple.

Detail of the sarcophagus lid from Cerveteri (Caere).
Clay. Second half of the 6th century BCE.

Rome, National Etruscan Museum of Villa Julia
(Roma, Museo nazionale etrusco di Villa Giulia).

From Cerveteri (Caere).
© Photo, text: N. N. Britova, N. M. Loseva, N. A. Sidorova. Rimskii skulpturnyi portret. M., “Iskusstvo”, 1975, s. 11, ill. 6.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ετρουρία ετρουσκική etruria etruscan etrusco etruskisch etruskische etruskischer etruskischen étrusque clay sarcophagus sarkophag sarcofago spouse spouses husband and wife married couple