Boundary stone with the Law of the Sacred Grove (cippus A) — frontal surface
Limestone. Second half of the 3rd centuy BCE.
CIL XI, 4766.
Spoleto, Civic Archaeological MuseumPhoto by Ilya Shurygin

Boundary stone with the Law of the Sacred Grove (cippus A) — frontal surface

Limestone. Second half of the 3rd centuy BCE.
CIL XI, 4766.

Spoleto, Civic Archaeological Museum.

From Castel Ritaldi, loc. San Quirico.
One of the two almost identical boundary stones (cippus A and cippus B) from the suburbs of Spoleto. A chain of such stones enclosed the Sacred Forest. Every stone was inscribed on both sides with the Law of the Sacred Forest (so called LEX LVCI) in archaic Latin.

[H]once loucom / nequis violato / neque exvehito / neque exferto / quod louci siet / neque caiditod / nesei quo die res / [dei]na anua / [fiet e]od died / [quod] rei dinai / [causa fi]at sine // [d]olo malo ced(re) / [li]ceto sequis /

This sacred forest let nobody profane or carry away on
carts or by hand that which belongs to the forest, or cut wood, except on the day of the annual sacrifice. On that day thanks to the sacrifice it will be allowed to cut without fraud. If anyone...

© 2010. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Info: museum information materials.
Keywords: epigraphia epigraphy inscription iscrizione epigrafia epigraphik epigrafik inschrift épigraphie roman romano romana romani römisch römische romaine law decree legge decreto gesetz verordnung erlaß loi décret limestone boundary stone terminus cippus of the sacred forest lex luci lvci a honce loucom nequis violato neque exvehito exferto quod louci siet caiditod nesei quo die res deina anua fiet eod died rei dinai causa fiat sine dolo malo cedre liceto sequis cil xi 11 4766